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ways we can beat bm at her own game - and make sure husband does not make us dance bm skids tune

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women to update ideas for out witting weak husbands who are manipulated and bm who think they can beat us, and force us to leave our relationships. Plus skids that are trying the same. Start updating what has worked and what you tried so we can learn from each other.

So bookmark me and stay posted. Let the games begins!

Idea 1:-

edit : husbands says i need counseling because i wont leave sd14 alone with the baby after her threat

the mum's picture

His child causes trouble but me and him are the ones that need counselling!!!! I could of just slapped him sideways!!!

I declare-

Your kid decides to wash her muddy trainers by the baby's bottles at the kitchen sink

Your kid takes the lid of the babies medicine and moves the box so I know its been done on purpose

Your kid threatens my (our) baby but I'm the enemy

Your kid says you will never pick anyone over her (in our faces)

Your kid lies about me

Your kids have no manners and don't wash everyday

husband does not sleep in our bed when kids visit - he stays with them

the mum's picture

Last five visits my dh sleeps with his kids. He managed about three hours the most with me on one visit and thinks that I need to sort my head out.

Our daughters first christmas he wakes up early opens presents with his other kids at 5am, trys to wake me. I'm sleeping with the baby as I'm knackered then leaves. I wake up at 8am because baby is crying and his nowhere too be seen. As his asleep in the spare room on our babies first christmas!

But I'm the one that needs to sort it out?

husband says we are bringing kids on honeymoon (including the evil one that causes us too argue all the time)

the mum's picture

We never had enough money for a honeymoon last year. We are going this year.

In conversation discussing renewing our vows and going on honeymoon right away. Dh say's yes I want the kids with us of course. I would love having them with us. This is including the evil one he refuses too admit is dangerous to our baby who we will take with us because we don't have childcare.

stepchild threatens baby indirectly - husbands hates me for being cautious

the mum's picture

We had his kids over. His eldest child took our baby and brought her in another room he was in. He then leaves her and joins us in the living room. I'm nervous, his all laughs and smiles. He then cuddles me and feels my heart pounding. He then says do you want me to get the baby. I say its up to you. He takes the baby politey and brings her into the main room.

No Way am i wrong?

the mum's picture

Dh starts talking about how his SD14 feels stuck in the middle. I say poor thing knowing that she has been treated as an adult growing up. Involved in conversations with grown women bitching about other women friends, family and the world. Told price tags on major purchases like, cars houses, underwear (mother's). All I said that were not brought up how kids should be he goes mad I explain what I meant and he still says I'm wrong and out of order.

Am I wrong??

ex-wife is evil step-daughter is evil and dangerous to my baby and my husband does not understand - don't want them near my baby

the mum's picture

I have been with my husband for three and a half years. His divorced with three children 9, 10 and 14 years old.

His youngest children are so sweet loving and caring the eldest one (daughter) is a nasty piece of work.