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Mousie1972's Blog

Does it ever improve??

Mousie1972's picture

So after all is said and done with court, it appears that my DH will pay a little more and she got away with having their 2 oldest lie on the stand. They are completely money hungry and have no idea how much they have hurt him with their lies. He also has to pay $15,000 for each child's college education and for his son's private school education which he disagreed with as SS11 is just lazy and BM is too lazy to work with him.


Mousie1972's picture

So, my fiancee is in court today for CS reduction and maintenance removal ($2500/month) BM is going after him to pay for cheerleading and other extracurricular activities ($1,000/month) She's turned the kids against him because he can't afford to do everything they want to do when they come over on the weekends (waterparks, amusement parks), shopping, etc.... She gives them everything they want, but still expects him to pay for it.