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MARLA_823's Blog

BM made SD cry, all because she's jealous of me

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SD went to BM's last week. She was telling BM about a project we did, and said she made it with "mom." Insane jealous BM flips out, and says to SD, "WHO ARE YOU CALLING MOM?!" SD burst into tears and says "sometimes I call Marla stepmom." (true) BM calls DH to demand why SD calls me mom. DH tells her SD has NEVER called me mom, except by accident, and I never told SD to call me mom.

Realized my idea of a perfect family Christmas is over!

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The custody arrangement goes like this; the parent who has SD for Christmas has her until noon on Dec 26. This year is our BD's first Christmas. Now I'm broken hearted, because this is our year not to have SD so basically we do Christmas on Christmas Day without SD, or our BD has to wait til the 26th to open her presents so we can do it as a family. It may not matter this year, BD is only 9mo, but what about later years? Is BD to wake up Christmas morning and be told yes Santa came, but no you have to stare at your presents an extra day?

It's been a pretty good week!

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It's been a pretty good week! I've only had to see BM one day this week, when it's usually everyday. She's finally following the no texting rule, so that's awesome. We had to deal with the usual mouthiness that SD picks up when at BM's, but DH shocked me that night. I asked SD where something was and she screamed back "I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS!" Before I could even open my mouth to respond, DH tells her "you will NOT yell at Marla, don't let me ever catch you talking to her like that again!" My jaw literally dropped because I'm used to being the one to correct her.

Oh BM just can't help herself!

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So I'm enjoying a lovely kid free date night with DH when my cell goes off. It's a text notification from facebook saying I got a new inbox message. It's from BM. "STOP POSTING STUFF ABOUT ME ON YOUR WALL, I'M KEEPING ALL YOUR POSTS FOR COURT PURPOSES WELL UNLESS YOU WANT TO MAKE THINGS HARDER ON (DH)" Whaaaa? DH: "did you post anything about her on facebook?" Me: "nooooo but it's kinda funny considering what my status is!" lol I had recently updated my status to "you're so vain, I bet you think this post is about you!

WARNING sexually explicit material LMAO!

MARLA_823's picture

BM STILL tries to text DH, after he asks not her to. This goes back and forth, she texts and he asks her to stop, so he sends her an email for documentation saying what he's already told her, that calls/texts to his cell will no longer be accepted, to either call the phone at the house or his work phone. That was two days ago. No texts so we assume she got it. Well tonight as I'm dragging my tired butt through the door after a hard day at work, what do I get but three texts in a row from BM! "DO NOT CALL/TEXT/EMAIL ME AGAIN! YOU MAY CONTROL YOUR HUSBAND BUT YOU DON'T CONTROL ME!

A poll? 50/50 and email communication...

MARLA_823's picture

I told DH if BM doesn't repect boundries with the phone calls, then we will have to turn to email. My DH tells me it's impossible to have 50/50 custody and only communicate by email. I said there were families who do it and he said who? Please, so I can tell DH "I told you so", if you have 50/50 custody and the bios ONLY communicate by email, please let me know! (this doesn't include phone calls the kids make to their parents) If I can convince him it does happen, he might be more open to it.

Update on the new phone

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Well I got the new phone set up yesterday and immediately sent notice of the new number to BM. When DH called to talk to SD last night he informed BM and told her that this was the phone to communicate with him now. This of course was met with resistance from BM, who says he is violating court order. Sorry, but court order doesn't say DH is to be available to BM 24/7! She has his home/work numbers, she can reach him in case of emergency. Then she promises she'll be good and not call/text him 50 times a day. Sorry, but we tried that before, only lasted a few days.

Well I kinda lost it yesterday, but I think it ended well!

MARLA_823's picture

Everyday I pick up SD from school. When I have time I let her see her siblings, stepdad, whoever may have come with BM that day. BM calls DH Thurs night to complain that I didn't let her see SD. First, she DID say her hellos and give hugs before I said we needed to go. Second, I'm there to get SD, not make BM feel good, so I don't really care! DH told BM that since she calls SD at night she doesn't need a long visit after school and I don't have time to wait around. She says ok. So yesterday after school, BM gives a quick hug and kiss and we leave.

Here we go again

MARLA_823's picture

Poor hubby got the yelling phone call from BM last night. I feel bad that he has to deal with it, but at the same time glad I don't. DH and I have always presented ourselves as a team in front of BM, so I don't understand why does she constantly call him to "tattle" on me? Like she's seriously trying to get me in trouble. Last night DH told her "why are you telling me this? You want me to spank MARLA?

Well I pissed off BM.

MARLA_823's picture

As I've said, I'm struggling with the fact that I have to see BM EVERYDAY when I pick up SD from school. This made me be the main source of communication for both of them. I told DH that it stops now and any communication is to be done between them. Any exchanging of info or items or papers is their responsibility, not mine. I'm not the one who divorced, and I'm not bound by any decree to interact with her. Well today it happened. I managed to stay hidden for the most part but as I was walking to the parking lot, BM caught up with me with some items. "HERE" she says.
