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Well I pissed off BM.

MARLA_823's picture

As I've said, I'm struggling with the fact that I have to see BM EVERYDAY when I pick up SD from school. This made me be the main source of communication for both of them. I told DH that it stops now and any communication is to be done between them. Any exchanging of info or items or papers is their responsibility, not mine. I'm not the one who divorced, and I'm not bound by any decree to interact with her. Well today it happened. I managed to stay hidden for the most part but as I was walking to the parking lot, BM caught up with me with some items. "HERE" she says. I say "No I don't want them." "But they're YOURS" she demands. "No they're DH's," I correct her, "give them to him Sunday." I smile politely. "WELL I GUESS I'LL CALL (DH) THEN. YOU'RE JUST RUDE!" Ah the old tattle on SM to the X game. I call DH as I get in the car and he already has 2 missed calls and a text from BM! I tell him what happened so he knows it can wait til their agreed upon communication time. Can't wait to find out what happens next


kayjoy21's picture

Wow your good she gave up easy! How did you get that done? If I say something like that she tells me what do you not love the girls? Then she turns to the girls and say she she doesn't care about what's going on with you guys. So is your DH on your side? I hope he is that will make this go so much easier. Good luck

aggravated1's picture

Why would she need to tell BM? I can understand her telling her DH, but why should she tell the BM?

MARLA_823's picture

She is there bc her other kid goes there also, so she says hi to SD too. I totally get that, but it doesn't mean I have to communicate for them. I let SD say hi and we leave. DH has been COMEPLETELY on my side THANK GOD, and I told right before it happened that I wasn't going to take the stuff. She has been told by myself and DH that I'm not there to be stand-in DH. She's been told not to communicate with me because it only causes problems. She thinks that because I'm married to DH I'm bound by the same CO. She has actually told me this!