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MamaJenn24's Blog

Sad story with sad ending --- Part 2

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They finally had a memorial service for my friend who took his life two weeks ago tomorrow.

I was dreading it because I just don't do very well at those things. I'm not the hysterical, throw myself on the casket type, but I just seem to come unglued and droop and I can't keep the tears in my eyes. There wasn't a casket and I didn't see an urn or anything and I wasn't about to ask about it. I was blinded by tears and I just sat quietly as I could. It was heart wrenching.

Sad story with sad ending...long post

MamaJenn24's picture

Something terrible happened last night.

My closest friend at work lost her fiance' to suicide.

By way of background, I came to this site because she introduced me to it. She and her fiance' were having a lot of problems with the fiance's son's BM. She wouldn't let him see his son...all she wanted was the CS. Now this little boy will never see his father again. And his mom is still a selfish BB.