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Over having a stepfamily today

Jcksjj's picture

Probably hormones (7 months pregnant) and stress (in the middle of selling and buying a new house) are lowering my tolerance to this but I'm so over step parenting today. Also over having inlaws. 

There was a good maybe 3 to 4 months over the winter where skid was much quieter and less attention seeking. Apparently that was only temporary and no we are back to hyper, loud, obnoxious and constantly needing to be the center of attention. Of course DH thinks that's just wonderful and so we dont need to have rules such as not throwing a ball around in the living room. And we only tell her once to be quiet when my 1 year old is going to sleep and ignore it when shes still being fairly loud after that. At least he tells her stop sometimes when shes being loud or using obnoxious voices but theres still a little too much Disney daddy going on. They're both driving me insane. I'm leaving it all for him to deal with because I know he will start to get annoyed eventually.

Also, we used to see the inlaws maybe every few months, but now since they are in town to coddle SIL every other weekend (MIL works EOW) we are expected to go hang out with them whenever MIL demands. Why? Why do we need to say yes every single time no matter what? Why am I vilified for wanting to have a say in my own life and what I do on my weekends when I'm not up for being around a MIL who is unpleasant to be around?


Ugh. Rant over for now.


Monkeysee's picture

I totally get it. I’m pregnant as well & the last couple days have been trying AF. My DH isn’t a Disney Dad & I really like my skids, but the everyday kid stuff is getting to me.

Every day is the same. One or both of them not wanting what we’ve made (too bad), getting into arguments, walking right in front of us.. just typical kid stuff, but it’s grating on me big time. Feeling burnt out & so ready for a break.

Jcksjj's picture

Ugh yep just got done dealing with the fighting drama. And of course DH was looking for reasons why it was less skids fault. And when it turned out skid iniated with mean girl behavior like usual then it was just an eyeroll and no parenting.