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HeatherM's Blog

So pissed off

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I'm really just pissed off and feel the need to vent on here. Even if there is no responses I feel better getting it out. SS9 is 40 pounds over weight. According to a doctor if he was of average size as an adult and this trend continued he would currently weight 296 pounds. Out of the 4 parents (BM/BF/SM/SF) I'm the only one who does any research on his food consumption (Binging and hoarding), as well as his Aspergers. Everyone else just lives in Lala land about everything.

DH is in the dark

HeatherM's picture

My DH chooses to be dumb I think. I really really think that he does this because it's easier. "Ignorance is Bliss". SS 9 lies constantly.. about everything... he is a compulsive liar and lies about stuff that doesn't even matter. So, DH has been sick for the past 3 days. SS came over last night (his first day in his week with us), and we're sitting at the dinner table talking about how DH is feeling better and how his throat isn't as sore any more. SS9 doesn't say a thing. Normally he'd chime in with some words of wit, but not this time.

Need to Vent...

HeatherM's picture

I have had SS 9 for 3.5 weeks now. 4 weeks ago or so he was diagnosed with I keep saying in my blogs... His mother was stressed so left town for 2 weeks..and has been back for a week, but it's not 'her' SS is with me. Today, SS was supposed to be picked up from school by his mother after lunch (half day). I asked him to call her last night to make sure, and she 'messed up', so cannot pick him up until 6pm tonight. Frig! I'm so tired of having him around!! I'm stressed too! So.. my original plan was to go home early Friday..pick up my daughter..hang out..

Kill me now....

HeatherM's picture

So, ever since SS was diagnoses with Aspergers, I have been doing so much research on new ways to parent him, validating to myself the reasons for some of the things he's done, and ways we can teach him that they are not socially acceptable etc etc etc... BUT I should have known that this diagnosis would get my husband back into the "Coddle me Wagon"... FACK... it's such BS. I keep trying to tell DH that we cannot excuse everthing he does, and that some of what he does is still punishable... (lying)... but that we have to 'teach' him differently...

Feeling a little bad

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So...for over a year I've been on here complaining about my step son. How he lacks empathy, is weird, has no feelings or emotions for anyone, eats compulsively and pee's himself.

About 6 months ago or so... Rags..I believe told me that it sounded like my SS might have Aspergers... so I read about it, researched it, seemed to fit the bill, but stuck it in my back pocket as I knew that if I told my DH that he'd freak out..

Our "Merry" Christmas

HeatherM's picture

Well thankfully the holidays are over..I'm even excited about being back at work actually. Christmas was great as it always is... I love Christmas...but every single year SS 8 creates some sort of Drama. I thought we'd get off free this year as Christmas day came and went without a hitch... he went to his mothers on Boxing Day and then he came to our house for the next week... ah... it was the next week... and I'm officially disengaging. My DH is actually on my side. All this kid does is eat and watch tv.

Super Foul Mood

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I'm probably just in a really bad mood as my two year old had me up every two hours last night... but today marks the first day of skid week..and that makes me even more annoyed... I cannot wait for his week of drama, pee, crusty underwear, stealing, lying, and over eating... not to mention his mouthiness that is 100% acceptable in our house.. not to mention that I have to lock all the cabinets, and can't put presents under the tree in case he steals food or gifts...

I'm having Issues

HeatherM's picture

I can no longer stand to watch SS9 eat. I can't stand watching him eat anything.. .even an apple. I know this is my problem... I just felt like venting about it.. because it really gets to me. Anytime food is discussed, eaten, prepared, SS gets soo excited, dances around the kitchen... my god, I can't handle it. His whole life evolves around food... my pantry, fridge, and cupboards are all locked up with deadbolts... This weekend I was making his dad a Tomato and Bacon sandwich... so of course SS wanted one... and he was so excited to have Bacon..


HeatherM's picture

So..... BM was to pick up SS from school on Thursday and take him to a doctors appointment. As per usual, she is tooo busy. Tis the season to be busy in retail you know... (not sure what her excuse is the other 11 months of the year but whatever)... DH was supposed to pick up our daughter from Daycare on I have strategic planning sessions all day Thursday, out for dinner with the execs Thursday night. Normally I would pick my daughter up as it's on my way home from work. Just got a phone call to see if I could 'cancel' my plans so DH could take SS to the doctor.
