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GinzillaMom's Blog

Ready to Leave

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I'm so sick of how defensive my SO is when it comes to SD9'S behavior. I know she needs guidance, structure, positive reinforcement, attention and CONSEQUENCES! He gives her positive reinforcement and a little structure. He is severely lacking in the other parts. I'm so exhausted with his bullcrap! I'm so tired of trying to point out bad behavior that he misses. I'm tired of his permissive parenting style. I'm tired of the BM. I'm just sick of the whole situation. 


Vent: Baby Talk

GinzillaMom's picture

After living with my SO and SD9 for a few years, I've realized just how much I despise baby talk. It makes me want to rip out my ear drums! 

I know the baby talk has been a learned way of communication to get attention...but GEESH! She is almost 10 and still intentionally mispronounces words or speaks in a baby higher pitched voice around SO. When he's not around, she speaks clearly and in a regular voice.