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more blow ups

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ss15 says last night that he'll go home Sunday, he's been with us since Monday. I said that Friday would work better, DH made the compromise of Saturday afternoon. Somewhere on either my post or I saw it somewhere else was a letter a woman wrote to her husband about disengaging. I copied that thing and modified the hell out of it because a lot wasn't needed and i printed it out. i thought i'd see how things on the homested were when i got home and sure enough, by 10pm i'm pulling that puppy out of my bad and give it to DH to read while i went and showered.

and it blows up

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so DH did the dishes I left in the sink. I thanked him and thought we moved on. Later we get in a fight about how I'm rude to ss15 and pick fights about the stupidest shit. I said that I don't appreciate having to clean up after them when they're here and by the time they are supposed to go home so i can chill out again ss15 decided to stay another week!!!!

will they do the dishes??

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I got home last night to a sink full of dishes. DH was in the kitchen talking to me as I fed and watered my dog - (my child i love!!) I pointed to the sink and said i'm not cleaning those dishes and I don't understand what's so hard about washing the leftover food off the plates. DH went and called ss17 into the room and said learn to wash off your plates. I asked DH if he and his boys would be doing anything helpful around the house this week. DH took the week off and his kids are there. DH said that he would rather throw dishes away and buy new instead of washing dishes.

adult skids relationships

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I had a question as I'm trying to find a happy place....for those of you who had skids living with you and then turned the age of being able to go to college and be on their own, did your relationship with them improve or did it stay the same??
I think back to my days with my sister and how much we hated each other when we lived together. I went to college and when i came home on weekends/holidays I actually enjoyed beind around her and valued her. I'm wondering if this will be the same with the skids if the day ever gets here....

DH is listening!

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I had a conversation with DH last night before going out to eat with the skids. SS15 has been at our house since Thursday along with 2217 but he went home on Saturday to go to work. I knew ss15 would stay which irritated me. SS17 came back last night for the family meal that we had planned and he will be going home again this morning. ss15 is going back to BM's with him. I brought up to DH in our room before leaving that I would appreciate it if he told ss15 that it would be best if he waited to return on Sunday since he was planning on spending the remainder of the week with us.


dakotamom's picture

Last weekend when skids were over ss15 and ss17 now drive to our house on their own instead of us having to pick them up at bms house. SS15 never rolls his window up on the passenger side of ss17's truck. DH and i were outside with my dog playing and he realized windows were down so he rolled them up since it was supposed to rain. When we went inside he reminded them that they need to roll windows up when they get here incase it would rain. This morning as I was out with my dog i realized that yet again their windows were down and it had rained last night.

so destructive

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How is it ss15 goes though 5 phone chargers in a 6 month period but everyone else has managed to only use 1 and I ask DH this and that maybe his son should buy his own chargers because obviously he's being too hard on it. Everyone else manages to only use 1. I get yelled at for being so perfect that nothing has ever broken on me before. I brought up the point that it's not the first time that something has broken on him and that ss17 has had no problems with his charger.

Skids free weekend!!!

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The skids are staying with BM, DH is golfing - I have a weekend to myself to do what i want when i want how i want. I cannot convey how excited this makes me. A weekend where there will be no fighting. the dishes will not pile up as a contest for who can dirty the most. I will miss DH, but a little peace and quiet is just want I am needing!!!

why can't he stay with BM for a weekend!!!!

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ss15 didnt' go home until Monday night when we took him home from his Friday visit. now he's back again. seriously - he just left Monday - we just saw him when we took him and ss17 out for supper last night - I got out of having to bring him home but here he is again. NOT looking forward to going home tonight. why does he have to be there EVERY weekend. How do I politely bring up to DH that I would like time other than during week (starting to invade that now too) without ss15 being there.

i was right

dakotamom's picture

went to the sporting event and SS15's gf came home with us. DH allowed her to spend the night - they were to sleep in separate bedrooms. I asked DH if he talked with SS15 to clarify the rules of letting ss15's gf spend the night. i got yelled at for how it's not my business how he parents his son and that i need to just relax about it. Fine. I went to bed. SS15 and his gf were in the same bed watching a movie at 11pm. ss15 was to go to bed in his brothers room who wasn't with us this weekend. The sheets to the bed were in the dryer as everything was washed.
