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Haven’t been here in a while…

cpreston's picture

I was biding my time, thinking that my step-son (aka Leech) would be moving out… well that didn’t happen

We asked that he give us $550 a month for two months at home BEFORE moving into Uncle’s house (Uncle is in an assisted living facility, the money would go toward keeping the house if Uncle would possibly return, or keeping Uncle’s money as long as possible, so that we don’t have to sell the house to keep him in assisted care
The money BEFORE he moves in was for
A) to cover the cost of having the house cleaned up
Dirol to show that Leech CAN pay $550 a month, because he sure as hell wasn’t gonna live there for free

How much do you think we’ve received from Leech since the end of July?
Not $1,100
Nope! Not even $550

We received $300

I told my husband that maybe we have to give up on the idea of Leech moving into Uncle’s house… he just needs to MOVE OUT

I don’t think that my husband will EVER force this kid out
I plan on making sure that his life in our house isn’t so easy for him from here on out though

(ideas, suggestions on making him miserable are welcome)


cpreston's picture

she goes to school nights, he has the baby mon-thursday from 5 til ?? whenever she's done school... oh and every weekend

she moved back in with her mother they're in a two bedroom apartment and she has a younger brother living there too

he tries to be a decent dad, but they're both clueless, it's children raising children and I'm sick over it

cpreston's picture

The mister collects the rent, I am a "non entity" as far as my step-son is concerened and my husband sees that any interaction between SS and I results in SS turning it into an argument

we don't speak, we don't acknowledge each other's existence in the house unless he's leaving dishes in the sink or something elese that I have to get on him about