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Birchclimber's Blog

Monkey and Cucumber

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Yesterday, as I was scrolling through my instagram, I came across a video clip of a monkey eating a large English cucumber.  Her baby kept trying to grab the cucumber to take a bite, but the mother kept waving the baby off and holding her away from the food.  This was most likely because the baby was too young to chew the cucumber and was probably still being nursed by the mother, who intuitively, was trying to keep herself healthy and fed so that she could nurse her little one. 

Need Help-Adult SD up to no good...again

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Hi Everyone.  I need some help.  My YSD has not had contact with us since JUNE.  In June, she called my DH to reprimand him for not being in her life and her kids' lives, for being a BAD father and for not including them in his will if he should pass first.   Then she said disparaging things about me. Then she demanded that he make weekly calls to her and the kids.  He said he would try, but after that tirade, he understandably wasn't too motivated to keep in touch on a weekly basis.

I'm thinking out loud

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Sometimes I wish I knew other Stepparents that lived nearby.  Oh Wait, I do know of one who does happen to live closeby.  Right!  Just last week, she posted some photos on social media of her and her Stepgrandbabies, all snuggles and cuddles together on the couch!  I wondered, how is this even possible?  Is it real, or is she just doing this for the camera?  As I looked into her eyes in this photo, I found myself looking for clues.   Did she really look happy, or was their something else in her smile?  Fear of rejection?  After the photo was taken, were the two kids rushed away from her by


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I'm lying in bed last night after having read through countless blogs and posts and I began to feel a little sad, and then my sadness turned into determination.  The blogs about meeting our DH/DWs skids for the first time and how they did or did not accept us really made me introspective in my thoughts.

Who's Visiting Who?

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Another blog that I just read, triggered a memory for me. 

OSD and SGkid came to spend the weekend with us once.  The first night that they were here, everything was okay.  I made us dinner and we had a somewhat nice dinner conversation.  The next day was just weird.

I can feel my anxiety level rise as adult YSD's birthday approaches...

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So, here we go again.  We are currently in the "ostracisation" period of our relationship with the two SD's (48 and 54) and all of their flying monkeys (the SGKs).   We were banished after the YSD sent my DH an email (coated in passive agressive sugar and completely unacknowledging my presence in any of their lives) telling him how he needs to be more like other grandfather's are to their grandchildren.  Also, the letter stated that, although YSD and OSD are adults, they still need their father's presence in their lives too.