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Rant- FDH is a bonehead who clearly doesn't get this business of bounadries with BM

Anne Boleyn's picture

I had a few great days with FDH. Hard days because we were moving but no drama because BM and skids weren’t bothering us. That all started to change last night. I swear, he’s such a bone head and just isn’t getting this sometimes.

The night before last I asked him to set up our lamps in our new bedroom as there is no overhead lighting and I needed light. He said “Sure. I need to fix one because I broke the light bulb”. I went in the room that night to find he’d set up the good lamp on his side of the bed but hadn’t gotten around to fixing the broken one for me. No big deal. But then last night, he comes home from work and I see him start getting ready to put the kids’ bunk beds together. I am irritated because we have SO much to do, most of it falling on me, and they won’t be here until Thursday. I happen to be standing in the room when he walks in and moves MY broken lamp aside to get lamps for the kids’ room (needed it to see to put beds together, I am sure. But he was obviously planning to install their special reading lights too). So this goes down:

Me: Nicely. “Hey, are you still going fix that lamp and set it up for me?
Him: Looking down at his hands filled with kid lamps then back at me and not so nicely “NOW? You need it right this minute?”
Me: Caught off guard by the tone “Um”
Him: A little nicer “You need it done right this second?”
Me: Not at all nice “No, by all means, please focus your efforts on fixing up the room for the people who will be here in THREE NIGHTS!” I walked away.
Of course, this made him realize that his plan was asinine and he immediately took care of my needs and very enthusiastically announced that he completed the task and was all kissy face the rest of the night ad all was well other than sewage backing up in the house and a late night plumber

This morning he decided to work from home. I was off work mostly other than two big presentations I had to give for work via conference call (planned time off for unpacking). I was feeling rough with back and neck issues and sinus problems. So I went back to lie down for a while. I came out to prepare for my first big call and find him chatting away on the phone with BM. I hear him say “Yeah, I was going to give him so old furniture but he’s getting a furnished apartment”. (He was referring to SS18 whom he is picking up from college Thursday afternoon). The conversation went on and on about various topics and I was getting more and more pissed. He could see I was visibly upset and he finally said “OK, let me go” to BM.

When he got off the phone I let him have it. How many times have I recently asked him to stop being buddy-buddy with her? I asked why they were on the phone? He said she wanted to know if/what day we were taking the skids this week. I said “That is a question she could ask via text and your answer needed to be one word—‘Thursday’” I asked him why he was telling her our business about the furniture thing with SS18. He said it came up in conversation when he asked BM how much stuff SS18 had at college because he needed to know if it would fit in the car. He said “I was just talking to her about SS18….” I explained to him that SS18 is a grown man at college and he needs to talk to SS about issues related to SS and not go through his mother. I reiterated that these casual unneeded conversations are just opening the window for all sorts of boundary crossing and IT MUST STOP.

He apologized. But I simply think he just doesn’t get it. We will be discussing this tomorrow night in counseling. They never talk of anything of substance like the kids’ failing grades, strategies to parent them more effectively, what the doctor said, etc… But they have these stupid chats and I realize it’s probably way more frequent than he lets on. (Pretty sure I surprised him today by coming out of the room when I did). I love this man dearly and he is so good in so many ways. But dammit, this is going to make me crazy.


Anne Boleyn's picture

Thank you. I haven't let up now that I realize that this is the primary issue undermining our relationship. This is why we are in counseling. I am going to ensure we focus solely on this topic until he does get it.

Cocoa's picture

he's not going to get it unless he knows it's you or her. there is no need to talk to bm anymore about an 18 year old young adult unless ss is incompacitated in some way, and then only briefly. no need to discuss ss's furniture for god's sake! he talks to her because he's ENJOYING it, chit chatting it up with an old "friend". i wouldn't tolerate this anymore than if it was another he met. why do bm's get free passes? they are just another woman and dh's are crossing the line when they treat them more than a business associate.

Anne Boleyn's picture

You nailed it with "he talks to her because he's ENJOYING it, chit chatting it up with an old "friend"." I even said that before.

Later today he was asking my opinion about something in the house and I said "Why don't we call your best friend BM and get her opinion on our house since you two need to discuss everything?"

Anne Boleyn's picture

OMG. I was just sitting on the couch thinking about this whole thing after I posted and some commercial for Mother's Day came on. My stomach clenched up because I remembered them buying each other Mother's/Father's Day and B-day gifts the first year I knew him 'so the kids have a gift to give the other parent'. It made me crazy then. They didn't do it last year and I don't know why. But with all this going on, I had to ask.

Me: "Baby, you're not planning to get BM a Mother's Day gift are you?"
FDH: "She's not my mother"- joking dismissive tone
Me: "Don't brush off my question. This is something you've done since we've been together"
FDH: "Oh that. Well, I do want my kids to have something to give their mother. But I won't do that this year if it makes you mad"
Me: "This shouldn't be just about whether I am mad. This should be about YOU understanding what a divorce is and what boundaries with your ex are"
FDH: "I do understand. Isn't that what I just said?"
Me: "You clearly do not get this concept. We can discuss in counseling"

Cocoa's picture

so glad you're in counseling. it really helped us, just couldn't afford it anymore. plus, we'd fight like cats and dogs during it and embarassed our counselor! ha! anyway, we ARE blamed. they put boundaries in place because we make them. they do not get why it's inappropriate for them to treat their ex like they are still significant in day to day stuff, as they would their wife! it's because he still hasn't severed that emotional attachment. i've heard it said that women fall in love faster and men deeper, and i think it's true. something really bad has to happen for a man to severe that connection. and in my case, it was that he was going to lose me. like you said before, he may not truly realise WHY he has to, he just knows he has to. but, on the other side of it, i can tell you that he no longer blames me, it's a part of life for him now that he only deals with her when it's something important regarding their kids. he's been able to step back now and really see her for how she is (although he still tends to believe her lies from time to time and seems shocked when he finds out the lie!). it's true that children bind women to men forever. but, they can be relagated to the back seat and seen as a necessary evil without the emotional connection and enjoyment of their company. and for a man in another long-term relationship, it is a necessity. i told my dh that if he gets along soooo good with bm, i will step out of the picture and not be the cause of their little family not getting back together. if they dont WANT to get back together, and he wants me in his life, how they interact is not going to be on their terms without consideration for me. i can be miserable alone, thank you very much.

Hanny's picture

My ex passed away...or believe me...I would be doing it, just to show SO how it feels to be disrespected. I just keep hearing the same old thing...'it's for the sake of the kids'...I have to be friends with her or I would be out of the loop...I wouldn't know what's happening in my daughter's lives..etc, etc. These kids are 18 and almost 24. KIDS my ass!