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I hate being a (step)parent.

StepMomandOverIt's picture

I never particularly wanted kids, but I also wasn't opposed to the concept if the timing/partner/circumstance felt right. I married my husband 3 years ago, and he has 3 kids: SD23, SS21, SD16. Within 6 months of our marriage, BM of the oldest two commmitted suicide. I met them for the first time when we flew into town the 12hrs later. It was utter chaos with gun-toting, car-stealing, hoard-cleaning, funeral-planning madness all around. When we made it through and home 2 weeks later (if that's what you can even call it...


Having a SD is way harder than I thought

Mommiedearest66's picture

My fiancé and I have been together three years now, we met at work and started as a fling, I was 21 when we first met. Then as time went on he saw I was pretty decent with his daughter, I honestly blame that on the fact I have 14 nieces I had to help raise, so yeah I’m okay with kids but after so long I lost traction. When we became serious I just sort of froze up and became my mother with better skin tone. I find myself always mad.


Struggling to make it work!

Momof2sons's picture

So, I have 2 boys of my own and my SS lives with us full time. I have been with his father since he was two years old. My DH and I have been married for two years. He and I have each been married twice before. He has two other children both adults. I have one adult son who is going to school and lives with us and another in high school. Though I was married before they were very short marriages and I really was a single mother for most of my son's lives. My husband did not raise his two older children and had them every weekend until they were teens.


Needing some advice

NeverGiveUp18's picture

Okay, so maybe I am being a little harsh or over reacting, but, sometimes I feel like my SD is trying to drive a wedge between me and my spouse, its like my SD wants to bicker with me and wants to make me out to be the bad guy, over little things too! I really think its a phase because she hasn't been like this until the last few months. Maybe? I don't know. Help?

