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winter80's Blog

Question about Visitation

winter80's picture

Thank you for your answers- I felt my post was pretty specific so deleted, but you all gave me the answers I needed! I love this site!
I think the visiting is being done to irk us, and I think you're absolutely correct in the feedback given. We will pick our battles, and that won't be one of them.

Just Wanted to Tell You All...

winter80's picture

You have helped me time and time again. Due to the high conflict and creepy nature of my BM, I delete my blog posts asking for advice right after I have heard from enough of your beautiful souls to let me know what do do, or put me at ease. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you all. This is one post I will not be deleting :). It is so much easier to trudge the psycho PASing, raging BM road knowing there are others of you on it with me. Your advice and encouragement are invaluable. THANK YOU.