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winehead's Blog

SS thought he'd come baaaaaccck

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Hi everybody. I haven't posted in quite a while -- things have been pretty good at my house.

Recently SS25's car died, he can't find a job he can walk to and busses don't run on time yada yada. He lives about an hour away, finishing up college. So his solution is to come live with us for the month of June, until he goes back to school in July. Then he'd continue whatever job he finds on weekends and stay with us weekends until he completes his degree.

Not what I said

winehead's picture

Whoa, just checking back on a blog from last week that apparently took off over the weekend. I don't want to resurrect that but I DO want to note that something I said was totally misunderstood.

I SAID that ENTITLED 18- to 21- year olds were probably too lazy to vote. What I got slammed for was saying that ENLISTED 18- 21-year olds were too lazy to vote. WAY different and I did not deserve the bashing.

DH can be such a dope

winehead's picture

I'm still laughing at this one. I had lunch with DH and we were talking about getting away for a few days over the summer. All our kids are grown and (mostly) out of the house so this will be just a little adventure and change of scenery. We have already planned a weekend at my brother's house. But DH says this isn't really a vacation. I agree with him.