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theoutsider's Blog

Im leaving the site

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At the request of my therapist.

I am supposed to say goodbye as closure because this site has been so much of my life for the last few months. I've ben checking out daily, posting constantly, but not connecting

She said annonymous support is not what I need, I've got to plug in locally and build actual relationships with people who can support my whole situation.

She said she recommends this in all situations, building a support network with others who can identify, support and holds accountability... Which she says I can't fully get in an online situation.

Just found out last night

theoutsider's picture

I was showing my boyfriend how to do something on his phone and an email came through.
Before he could stop me, I opened it
"wanna nut?"
He grabbed the phone out of my hand.
Long story short, he admitted to sextexting through craigslist, and with some woman who is listed as "bobtom" in his phone who lives in the next town over. It was pulling teeth to get him to even admit to that's.. He swears he has never slept with anyone after he and I have been together...

I finally broke down and make an appointment with a therapist

theoutsider's picture

It seems like so much is piling up in my life,.. each individual thing on its own would be difficult to handle, but I've got SEVERAL HUGE DEALS all wrapped into one,...
I really don't know what I'm going to get from this conversation, or if it will even do any good. I guess talking and ranting on here just isn't doing enough for me. Do I really need a professional to tell me what I already know? That I'm in too deep, that there is too much on my plate, that I need to take more time out for me?

Here is my list:

"I'm about to say something that makes me sound like I'm an asshole, so prepare yourself"

theoutsider's picture

My boyfriend says this as we are leaving church this morning.

Then follows it up with.

"I feel like we never talk anymore unless is it about (BM)."

"Well I would really like to ignore her, but when she keeps doing something every other day to you, or I, or the kids. It needs to be addressed. I don't think we dewll on it, but we are still trying to figure out how to respond, when to respond, what to ignore. And she isn't going anywhere."

"I just need a break from it all. It's almost every night."

"How do you think I feel about it??!!!"

How can he not see what he is doing?

theoutsider's picture

Ten year old boy hit his sister with a baseball glove and told her he wishes she was never born.
After school he mouthed off to me so I told him he couldn't go "farm" with his dad.
I walked outside ams told his dad what happened. He said to send him outside that he wanted to talk to him.

I look outside and the boy is riding the tractor with his dad!

I walk back our there and pulls him off to the side,

"what exactly did you tell (the boy) that now he gets to ride the tractor with you?"

"I'm still talking to him."

Is it the kids twisting things or BM? the world may never know...

theoutsider's picture

I really wish I had a recording device to attach to the kids when they go to their moms,...

After every visit she always has some smartass comment about something involving something that happened during the week at our place...
She has to be pumping the kids for information, or the kids are loving the attention they get from their mom,...
