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teristepmom's Blog

Another reprieve

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FH got home from his grandmother's Easter celebration. Within 10 minutes he tells me that BM has enlisted his brother to babysit his kids on her weekend. When I say that this is rather odd and that I am surprised that his brother had not mentioned this to him before - as in the minute he got off the phone w/ BM! - FH goes nuts. Says 'what is he supposed to do" and he is "powerless" - same old bullshit.

My kind of holiday!!!

teristepmom's picture

Hope everyone is having a good holiday whether Easter now or Passover yesterday. The skids are w/ BM and fH is up at his grandmother's since we were unable to get a sitter for the dogs. We have 5 dogs and a pet sitter whom we all adore and she was unable to come (bless her!!!!!) so I get to stay home alone!

Money falls from the skies for the skids - OUR turn!

teristepmom's picture

Inspired by another post about a DH who insists on more and more money being spent on the skids for Easter. Yet we step-moms so often go without in order to fund the "life styles of the rich and famous" for these little darlings. Please! I say that next time we are told that we simply did not spend enough on the skids we take that as proof positive that there is PLENTY of disposable income - whether there is or not! - that DH is willing to spend to make those whom he loves happy. And that includes US, right? Well, it damned well BETTER!

Have taken 3 mgs of Xanax and I still want to rip his head off!

teristepmom's picture

Seriously. I am SO sick of stupid shit that a drooling idiot could see coming over the hill a mile away happening with BM and FH standing like a deer in headlights in shock and disbelief! This after being together 20 years, married for 17 and separated for 4 with a bitter divorce raging. He STILL thinks she is capable of being decent despite her stabbing him in the back time after time.

Developing a spontaneous case of Tourettes Syndrome

teristepmom's picture

Recently every time I end a conversation w/ FH, even if it is about something completely benign, I am starting to spontaneously mutter to myself 'asshole" or "dick." After hanging up the phone, when he has ended the conversation with 'love you - have a good day'', i suddenly say "love you - blow me" to my empty office. This morning he left with "hope you have a nice day' and as the garage door closed I said "hope you go fuck yourself!"

This is really horrible but have you ever wished

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that your DH/FH/SO would do something really horrible - i mean so ghastly and unforgivable - like seriously cheat or get arrested with a transvestite hooker or turn out to have been a mass murderer in the 1980's - that you would have the absolute right and damned near OBLIGATION to get the hell out of dodge?????

No guilt - no recrimination - no need to explain. You could just escape the hell you originally thought would be heaven but that slowly started getting hotter and hotter until you looked around and all you saw were demon spawn and their oddly ineffectual leader.