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seriously this just happened

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BM txt'ed FDH at work asking if he was going to the doc appt. tomorrow and saying that she KNEW that he didn't ask off.

He txt'ed her back right away and asked her how she KNEW that - when it wasn't true. Where BM got them from is fairly clear, her husband work at the same place as FDH. I am sure he was asking around but no way to know who told him or what they told him.

why does everyone beleive BM?

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It dawned on me the other day that SS4 - who was slated to start 'transitioning' into 4k mid-term as was stated in his IEP meeting last fall - never made the transition. When I asked FDH he said that in the parent teacher conference not to long ago the teacher said that 'they' changed their minds about it because they were afraid ss4 couldn't handle the change mid-year.

First of all I asked FDH why he wasn't part of that 'we' and why weren't informed of the change?

Does your Skid ask dumb/random questions?

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Mine does. I tell FDH about it all the time and it's weird because he only seems to ask me these crazy things. Most of which I realize comes from BM and to stupid things that she does.

This week it's all about surprises. Which oddly enough aren't surprises if you have to ask for them. Monday he asked...

"SisterNeko, was I good last time I was here?"

"Yeah, you were okay. Why?"

"Are you going to get me a surprise?"

"Um... no."

"Why not, I was good right?"

"Yeah, but I like to be random."

"What does random mean?"

I predict BM will screw this up

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Just stating for the record. Smile We got a thing sent home with SS6 yesterday that BM requested. She wants to enroll him in an after school day care - which is great, I was baby sitting for her earlier in the year and then her Hubby got laid off (he does every winter) but now Hubby is returning to work and I guess she doesn't want me to watch him - again that is fine I really don't want to any more, the less I see of her the better.

My prediction is...

moments with BM makes you say WTF?

SisterNeko's picture

Yeah had one of those yesterday. BM dropped Skids off and dispite my suggestion (and yours) FDH wanted to tell her in person that he found out that she lied to him about the doc appt last week. I said to just txt her. Any way this is how the conversation went - no joking.

They started out normal - talked about school stuff and exchanged bags. Everything seemed normal...

FDH: "I talked to the doc office."

BM: "My uncle died."

FDH: "uh?" (BM looks like she is about to cry now)

What is with the freaking lying?

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Update on yesterday's post about BM wanting to cancel ss4 doc appt. due to poor road conditions. And posting the question is it wrong that I want to call BM and tell her that we know she lied?

So if you don't follow my posts, BM called yesterday morning at 5 AM to tell FDH that she wanted to cancel ss4 doc appt which was the next day because it had snowed that night. FDH had told her on Sunday that he couldn't go because he had to work but ask her yesterday not to cancel, to wait and see if the roads got better.

Rude and Retarded

SisterNeko's picture

BM txt FDH at 5:08 this morning! It woke us both up. I guess he needs to start putting his phone on silent at night. Because she wanted to tell him that she was going to cancel ss4's doc appt. because it snowed last night. FDh txt her back and told her that it was tomorrow, so then she calls.

FDH greeted her still half asleep and she was like "oh are you sleeping?" He answer "No your txt wake me up". Silence "Oh I thought you had to be to work early" - which some times he does when it snows but he got home lat last night so they didn't call him in early.
