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SD did NOT make the team!

Simpleton21's picture

It wasn't our weekend to have SD so DH text her to see if she made the team.  He also tried calling her.  SD ignored both so I assumed she did not make the team and was pouting about it.  I was right.  BM texted DH to let him know that SD did not make the team and went on about how they said they were going to take more girls and decided not to and it was the same B word coaches that were in charge of the competitive team.  After BM sent that information SD then calls DH to whine about how unfair it was that all the girls that made the cheer team were already on the competitive team so why did they need to be on 2 teams?!?  She also whined about how it was only popular girls that made the team and the coaches didn't like her.  OMG, of course it had nothing to do with SD not remembering the entire routine during try outs.....ugh!  


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

LMAO. When I was swimming, my regular coach, also coached my high school team, AND my competitive team. I was on 3 of them. All of which I tried out for and made it. Yup, the same coaches coach several teams a lot of the time, and they happen to keep a lot of the same kids on the teams. it's just a fact.

I honestly wouldn't have blamed the coaches for not taking her just because she's a whiny mess. Honeslty as someone who's coached (swimming) with all her "injuries" and continual laziness, I wouldn't have even considered her for the team, she would have already been written off before try outs, because in the past she's shown a lack of dedication and that eventually she'll cave and leave the team high and dry.

Simpleton21's picture

Ding Ding Ding, PA, my thoughts exactly.  I'm sure that is normal for the same coaches to coach multiple teams with the same kids.  Also that the coaches know which kids are capable and which ones aren't.  

I 100% agree with your last paragraph and have thought that from the get go.  She has automatically made it every year b/c everyone did and there weren't tryouts and BM of course had to play MOTY and be a cheer coach.  I am sure the real coaches are experienced in cheer (BM was not a cheerleader ever) and are tired of BM and SD.  They are probably celebrating that they have a season without SD!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

She coached without ever having done cheer??? That feels like an even bigger fraud than when they had me train lifeguards while coaching one summer... (never was alifeguard, BUT good swimmer, CPR certified, etc.) I'd be celebrating. With something like cheer you have to write people into certain locations. If you're missing one person because basically she's lazy, it screw over the whole team!

Simpleton21's picture

Ha, well that is how BM is rolls!  I'm sure she railroaded her way into being a cheer mom somehow.  Or she just did the stuff no other cheer mom's wanted to do.  IDK, I'm just glad she wasn't able to railroad SD onto another team she isn't qualified to be on.  I only went to a few of her games last year and it was almost unbearable to sit through.  BM doing every cheer SD wanted despite what the other girls wanted.  SD goofing off 1/2 the time.  SD leaving the other cheerleaders to run off and play behind the bleachers.  I would have been embarassed if she was my child but BM and DH are oh so proud :0

Simpleton21's picture

I feel like you seriously watched her last few games I forced myself to go to b/c DH really wanted me there.  Ugh!  So embarassing to watch but they are so proud :/

SteppedOut's picture

"...but they are so proud..."

So, I can mostly hold my tongue, but I am REALLY BAD at controlling my facial expressions. If I am thinking it or feeling it, you know it. I can't help it. It just happens. 

How in the hell do you play all of this nonsense off? Honestly, I probably get some type of facial expression reading your post. Lmao.

thinkthrice's picture

Ma BARKER was proud of HER sons too! 


Simpleton21's picture

I think in the beginning it was all that blinded by love nonsense that kept me from seeing it and remaining chipper.  Now I am pretty sure I am not pulling it off.  DH knows that I do not want to go to SD's events and I do not feel obligated to go and of course he tries the "you just hate my daughter" manipulation which also doesn't work anymore either.  I don't think I pull it off though, lol, I wear my sunglasses and just keep my resting bitch face going.  I think SD knows that I am the only adult in her life that won't shove fairy dust up her butt about how wonderful she is when she isn't!  

Simpleton21's picture

I think in the beginning it was all that blinded by love nonsense that kept me from seeing it and remaining chipper.  Now I am pretty sure I am not pulling it off.  DH knows that I do not want to go to SD's events and I do not feel obligated to go and of course he tries the "you just hate my daughter" manipulation which also doesn't work anymore either.  I don't think I pull it off though, lol, I wear my sunglasses and just keep my resting bitch face going.  I think SD knows that I am the only adult in her life that won't shove fairy dust up her butt about how wonderful she is when she isn't!  

thinkthrice's picture

is probably catching up with her.   Everyone on the coaching/instructor side knows about her soccer flops and fake injuries combined with the uncanny ability to phone everything in.

Fear not though...the BM will sign her up for several other myriads of activities, preferably in a town that doesn't know her and that DH has to commute to for every event  (win/win for the BM)

Simpleton21's picture

Already done thinkrice!  Like a typical playbook from the HCGUBM she has signed SD up for softball and she is still doing ice skating.  I'm sure there will be more to follow and yes they are all extremely out of the way for DH and on DH's time.  DH will be a good little ex and take her wherever she wants b/c "it is in SD's best interest and SD wants to do it".  This will carry on forever I am sure.

Simpleton21's picture

I'm sure they didn't want to put up with SD or her crazy momma that will go off and report them to the association.  SD made competitive cheer last season.  They told her they wanted her to sit out and watch the first performance and SD cried and threw a fit and BM reported it and then SD was going to be able to perform if she still wanted to stay on the team.  SD was "injured" at the very next practice.  They know what they would be dealing with and did not want to.  I'm don't blame them! LOL

ndc's picture

SD needs an adult in her life who will teach her that if you want to succeed, you need to work hard, be reliable and put in the effort rather than blaming others and making excuses.  It doesn't sound like she has that right now.  It sounds like everyone on the cheer circuit in your area knows that SD is lazy and unreliable (all those injuries!) and has a mother who is a PITA.  SD confirmed her part by not properly knowing the tryout routine.  Small wonder she didn't make the team.  But at least you don't need to deal with cheer now!

Simpleton21's picture

I agree 100% ndc.  DH will sometimes be that adult but I feel like he regresses when he doesn't see her as much.  It drives me crazy.  He started repeating what BM said and trying to justify SD's little rant and it was hard to bite my tongue.  I just told him that she needs to get used to that.  She isn't at the age that everyone makes it anymore and now she has to actually work for it.  She also needs to get used to rejection because rejection happens in the real world and mommy and daddy can't just throw a fit and change that!  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your SD and her kray-kray momma have a bad rap in cheer circles, lol.

Now they'll torment the softball and ice skating cliques. Niiice.

Simpleton21's picture

LOL, yep, I'm sure BM will be a softball/ice skating coach/mom in no time and stepping all over the other coaches toes.  Should be interesting.  I plan on staying home and staying out of it! 

Maria10's picture

If she can't remember and is too lazy to practice then it is a recipe for disaster. She will injure herself and possibly other kids if she is admitted into the team. 

I would like to see BM ice skating. Lol- DISASTERS ON ICE.

Cutting her toes off like the ugly sisters in Cinderella trying to coach ice skating. Ice skates are sharp and dangerous!