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Shawna03's Blog

child support

Shawna03's picture

I really need some help/advice. So I think I am going to have to start from the very might be long.....
When my bf and his ex split he walked away with nothing. Not even birthday presents that were given to him over the years from family and friends. She got everything and he agreed to this because he didn't want to fight with her and he didn't want his boys lives to change anymore than they were going to already.

One hockey game down.....

Shawna03's picture

First of all I wanted to thank all you guys on the feedback from my last post! I attended my SS hockey game and it went half decent. My bf's ex told him to tell me not to speak to her (very mature) I figured I would at least say hello but she never even made eye contact with me once nor did her parents. She also showed up all decked out! Skinny jeans with boots over top, nice sweater, hair all done. She looked great but slightly over dressed I thought for a 5 year olds hockey game (however this could be bitter me talking). The boys both seemed pretty happy to have me there.


Shawna03's picture

It's amazing how one person, a person I don't ever see, a person I haven't spoken to in over a year can put me in such a horrible horrible mood. I have two stepsons, both of which are involved in swimming lessons, soccer and now hockey. Everytime there is a game my oldest SS asks if I am coming to watch. Sadly,over the last year I have had to make up a million different excuses as to why I am not coming. Oh how I wish I could tell him the reason! That his mother does not want me there...EVER! So we played nice and did it her way for a year hoping that would give her time to come around.