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PaisleyMoonbeam's Blog

SD & the student loan...

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Just a wine fueled rant since my DH doesn't seem to hear my concerns... Thank you for listening.

My SD has just started her second year of college in state and she had my DH cosign for a $13,000 student loan in the beginning of August because her mother decided at the last minute that she had no money to pay the tuition that she agreed to last year.

Perpetual scapegoat...

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My husband is slowly getting stronger and while his recovery's not going as quickly as we would hope, every day is another step in the right direction.

His daughter is home on Spring Break this week and is up to her old tricks again, as to be expected.

Burning with a low blue flame...

PaisleyMoonbeam's picture

It's been over a week since my husband's daughter called her father to ask how he is, which is to be expected since she only seems to know him when she expects money to be spent on her, but considering the fuss she made regarding me not telling her about his illness, you'd think she'd at least make a little bit of effort and fake it if she had to. Not her.