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Blog Hog - Things of concern at BM's home

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

I am not sure if anyone remembers before I had mentioned that I thought BM had a camera in SD's bedroom that we saw over video chat months ago? Well, on SD's phone there is a photograph of SD and in the background is the wall mounted object and I am 99.9% sure it is a video camera. We also had found out that SD DOES NOT actually have her own room. She still shares with her sister and the other legal bedroom is a "guest room." SD mentioned last night that there was a son and mother staying in that room, but they aren't anymore and that "they used us." Didn't get much more about that, when asking SD she either didn't know or didn't want to say and we did not want to push. Last summer there was a different child living there, but SD is pretty terrible with names so it could be the same kid or not, who knows. Again, nothing wrong with the sisters sharing a room, but SD told us over video chat a few times she had her own room, but then here everytime her room is brought up, she says she shares with her sister. 

Is there anything to do or say about this video camera? Like who has access? BM only? BM and her husband aka an unrelated male? 


ESMOD's picture

I personally don't see anythign wrong with two kids of same sex.. near same age sharing a room..  I think it actually makes the kids feell more comfortable to have company.. to not be alone.

The camera in the room thing is a bit odd.. but maybe her mom does it because she has other people in the home at times and is paranoid to some extent about that?

But.. yeah.. your DH would probably want to understand who had access.. but then again.. will BM even entertain the questions? probably not... sadly.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

is a bit weird that when she is at BM's it is one story and then we hear the actual truth here. SD's sister also has some issues which is that why there is a camera in the room? BM also told DH when they got together many years ago one of her brothers molested the other brother and the family swept it under the rug. So is it to make sure nothing like that is happening? It also sucks because since they swept it in the rug there is nothing DH has as concrete evidence to ever try and have it so SD is not around that family memeber.

BM will probably not, so do you just pretend you don't know or?

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Usually when someone feels the need to place a camera in their home, there is a reason. I would keep your ears open as to what that reason might be. Was there an incident maybe? That would be my concern. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

cameras in here house. We got a ring doorbell so I am going to show that today to SD and casually ask if she has any in her house and see where the conversation goes from there. Then maybe later ask SD if she wants to show me pictures on her phone and when she gets to that photo ask her what that is and see if she knows. 

Definitely will be keeping ears open though!

justmakingthebest's picture

The girls are too old for baby cams... maybe they were put in the girls room because of "other" people living in the home? However, like other people stated- who has access? Could this be considered Child P? Little girls dressing/undressing? I have big concerns over the camera in the room. If it is for safety- the child needs to be removed, she has a home where she is safe with her father. There is no other reason for it to be there. Period. 

I don't know if this is a lawyer, poke BM while SD is with you or even a CPS call....


Winterglow's picture

Ok, my take on the cameras... If the worries are about other inhabitants, a camera directed on the door should suffice to show who is going in and coming out. Cameras should NOT be in any bedrooms/bathrooms/toilets, it's a question of decency. NOBODY needs to see what goes on in anyone's bedroom. If BM worries about her other daughter's behaviour then she should have them in separate bedrooms and not hiring out the other room for cash.

Get CPS onto this if you can prove there's a camera.

Rags's picture

all common areas of the home.  Common areas DO NOT include, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Common areas DO include, kitchen, dining spaces, hallways, living rooms, family rooms, studies, etc...  Including a hairy eyeball camera pointing at the door of bathrooms and bedrooms.

Fortunately, the need for this level of video and audio oversight is relatively rare.