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mlbltd5678's Blog

Why are we supposed to hide our feelings?

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I'm sure many of us on this site over the course of our step parenting years have felt like crying over the things that our step children say to us and do to us. My ss counselor told me that I should just let him do it and should not show my feelings on the subject. In my opinion, and my husband agrees with me on this. I think he should see when you makes someone feel bad. How else is he supposed to learn that people have feelings and that you should think about other people's feelings.

HA HA HA He made me laugh

mlbltd5678's picture

Husband called bmlast night and asked about when she was going to take him for Easter. (we typically split the day in half so both sides can see him) She said she didn't have any time to take him because she had to work that day. So husband asked her if she wanted to take him for some time another day and she said she didn't have time. So when DH got off the phone ss asked when he was going to bm for easter. We told him that she had to work and so wouldn't be able to take him. This is the part I laughed at.


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To make a long story short, after fighting for custody and winning, bm decided to give us custody of ss after he started telling his teacher all the things that go on at her house and also if we agreed to NO CS. When dh went to court with her to file the paperwork and get the custody changed on paper, the judge told her that she could change her mind at anytime and come and get him back.