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jellybean2009's Blog

Is it wrong to miss your x?

jellybean2009's picture

Not sure, sometimes I do miss my X.

I know there is a reason we are not together. I know there are reasons why we are divorced, deep in my heart I do wish things were different.'

I think the main reason why I feel this way is because we started a joint custody thingy where the kids travel between houses every week. Due to the nature of the marriage and his lack of being respoinsible this felt like s sigh of relief, finally he was stepping up to the plate.

But over the past year I have struggled with the emotional disturbances that come with it.

Love is patient?

jellybean2009's picture

Not sure what to think. If I accept his behaviors they will continue but he is so bull headed to see that he does things that he needs to stop doing.
Part of me wants to run.
Part of me can't get my feet off the ground.
too much going on in my head.