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Omg DH stop trying

Jcksjj's picture

DH still hasnt been able to let go of one thing regarding BM - her superiority. She was always the "better" parent, only she knew how to play with SD, only she could make SD happy, etc. Shes superior to everyone in every single possible way.

SD was here this weekend, which was pretty effing pointless as she was basically quarantined to the basement where her room and bathroom is. We were sending a bag with some food for SD with since BM is taking her on our week. DH kept saying we could put stuff he had made into some containers to send with. No DH, we're sending cheap basics to BMs house, not cooking for them. I'm 99% sure he wanted to do this do because BM doesnt really cook. He ended up sneaking a bag of pancakes and sausage into her bag anyway.

Well that would have backfired greatly, since when I asked SD if the food in the bag was the rest of her breakfast she said no. And "I only like to eat breakfast at my moms." Well of course you do, both you and mommy are superior in every way. 

So you're welcome, DH, for grabbing the bag of food that was unnecessarily added since I had already put a weeks worth of breakfast in it.

Oh and interesting note: when we offered to send food with she responded with "sure, if you have anything she likes." As if we wouldn't. Which is why I purposely didnt send anything to try and impress her. 

Also, given that cooking for others is a form of social bonding, I find it weird to send home cooked food to your exes house. Yes, it's supposed to be for SD only, but still. BM is going to see it as a favor to her that she doesn't have to cook.


Chmmy's picture

what CHzzyBob says, it's a competition who is better...BM buys brioche bread and SS liked it, we must have Brioche.  BM made onion rings that SS liked, DH bought frozen onion rings for the air fryer.  Oh wait she made homemade?  Oh we must have homemade onion rings.

Hmmmm, I'm disengaged why?  DH just doesn't understand.

Jcksjj's picture

Its effing pathetic. Parenting and everything else takes second place to the competition.