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Dory's Blog

Stepmonster - Adult Skids

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I would like to ask those of you who have read Stepmonster and are SDs as well as SMs, did you relate to the content of the book as a SD and could you identify the role you may have played (and your father's role) in your SM's misery?

Do you think your adult skid would benefit from reading this book and seeing the step situation through our eyes - and seeing their roles in it? Or do you think they are so far in denial that it wouldn't impact on them much?

Adult Skid boycotts Dad's Wedding

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Model Tamara says the first she knew of the arrangement was when she read the news on the Mail Online website - and now she has vowed to stay away from the ceremony out of loyalty to her mother Slavica, Bernie’s wife of 24 years.

Another wedding blog - a SD's perspective

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I stumbled across this page whilst searching for another specific article which I'd read quite some time ago. I can no longer find the one I was looking for but this young lady's dilemma may give us insight into how SDs feel about inviting their SMs to their weddings.

How funny! She doesn't consider her SM to be family. Looks like most comments from other readers are also from SD's......

"Columbo" protected his wife from further grief

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Isn't this an excellent idea? Widows/widowers have enough grief of their own to deal with, without any additional stress inflicted by the money-hungry "entitled" ones.

'Peter left the bulk of his estate to Shera,' a source told the showbiz website. 'The house that the two of them lived in together, art work, investment accounts, and more have been left to Shera.

SM Wedding Etiquette

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For any SMs out there who will be attending a skid wedding and you're not quite sure how to conduct yourself }:) - now you know what's expected of you!

and another one:

I can't decide if these articles are tongue-in-cheek or for real :?
