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I'm just going to wait and see what happens.

boogeymom's picture

So, one thing about SS11 is that he grazes all day like a cow in a field. I'm going to wait and see how many foods/drinks he opens/fixes and then leaves on the kitchen table half eaten/drank (drunk?) by the time we take them back to BM's later on this evening (aka the most wonderful time of the week for me). We already have a neglected bagel in the toaster oven, a half-drunk Naked Juice on the table, he's for some reason making an egg (even though he just had eggs for breakfast not two hours ago), I'm quite sure the butter will be left out on the counter, as will all of his dirtied dishes/silverware, and there will be crumbs/egg whites/eggshells/butter all over the counter that will not be cleaned up. This will drive DH into complete meltdown mode, but he will do nothing about it except clean it up for him while yelling at him. SS11 will try to blame SS13 for the mess, even though SS13 hasn't been upstairs since breakfast. PS, there's still a cup of hot-sauce on the table from Friday night when they had hot wings for dinner. It's now Sunday afternoon. Also, he just dropped the butter on the floor and proceeded to try and put it back into the fridge. This I DID say something about because we have two dogs who shed more than can be kept up with, so that is now fur butter. Things never change around here...I'm just going to sit back and watch.


whatwasithinkin's picture

When I started seeing Dh I had to push the bring your plates to the sink, and the most challenging thing was not "sitting on their feet". I broke both of those habits. And the other one was, no matter where they were in the house they would "beckon Dh" and at times I think I remember seeing him sprint. That was the hardest one to break because I finally told him that it was making me crazy. They would call and. I would get eye contact with him and never even speak.

My kids do not beckon me. It is their job to come to me.

I still to this day catch DH. Sd17 tries to do this when she is trying to push me over the edge.