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Wilhelmina's Blog

I thought the issue was over but...

Wilhelmina's picture

Yesterday, while on vacation, myself, my SO and his two kids (10&12) went to breakfast together. While there SS12 took out his phone (we do not allow phones when out to eat for anyone, ourselves included unless an emergency) and propped it against his cup. No one said anything because it was vacation and we were being a little more relaxed. His brother then asked for a sip of his juice as it was fresh squeezed and he wanted to try it.

First Time

Wilhelmina's picture

I have been living with my boyfriend and part time with his two sons for a few years now. We have recently hit a bad spot which I fear we may not be able to cure. We have had bad times in the past, for weeks at a time sometimes, but we have always been able to work it out. This time, I do not know if I can keep going.