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What to do about this?

Nemo's picture

Lately, when we have SD, she won't listen to SO when I'm around.She only listens to me! Then he gets mad and yells at me that I need to go tell her (BLANK) and make her listen.

I don't want her to get in more trouble then she is already in by not listening to her dad, but we don't know what to do. She has started listening to me when I say something the first time, but she competely ignore SO.

Any suggestions on what to do?

I asked members in my family, and they said MAKE HER LISTEN.

D.O.N.E. Done!!!!

redheaded_stepmom's picture

So, some of you know that DH and I have been having problems with SD and her treatment for depression and ADHD. She has been refusing to take her medication, at first saying she just forgot, then finally coming out and saying that she was purposefully not taking them. Her behavior issues got terribly bad and she became very irrational and paranoid. We talked to her psychologist about it at a recent appointment and came up with yet another strategy for getting SD to take her meds. DH is supposed to be giving them to her and watching her take them every morning. That lasted 3 days.


Mrsronny's picture

I am reading a few of these and realizing for the most part I am real lucky. I just need to vent a bit I guess. Being a step parent is really tricky and having to deal with people you more then likely do not like as in ex's is at the very least very difficult but then add teenagers and normal teen behavior and some not so normal it is just very tough.

And one more thing ....... Maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt too!!!!

Rags's picture

And .......... My wife comments tonight that "maybe he will do better in college than he did in HS"


Not likely but it could happen. On what frickin planet I have no idea. But it could happen somewhere I suppose.


Not on my/our dime baby cakes. Not until he has proven that his Cranio-Rectal syndrome is cured. We know the cure. MARINE CORPS!!!!!! Hoo Rah!!!!

Best regards,

Whoopty Frickin Doo! The Kid will graduate on Monday.

Rags's picture

I know, I should be excited, proud, etc......

But, I am more disappointed than anything. Once again the kid managed to under perform. I swear this kid could fuck up a wet dream. Not because he does something wrong but because he chooses to do nothing.

So, he flunked out of the amazing boarding school his mom and I provided. We brought him home for his last semester of HS and on cue he made honor role the first six weeks at the new school. He barely passed the last six weeks.

**** OFFENSIVE CONTENT ****** I spanked my kid ..... and I would spank your brat too if they were misbehaving in my home.

Rags's picture

Okay everyone. Apparently once again I have missed some highly dramatic interplay in our community. My intro line was designed to get attention and induce cerebral activity regarding personal attacks, differences of opinion and any other discussion that anyone may take exception to.

Parenting is like any decision based activity. Nearly everyone would do something different in any given situation. So, why do some take extreme exception to a different decision??? Huhh????? Huhh?????? Tell me, tell me!!!!!!

Here are some things that some may take exception to:

Can her levels of behaviour get any lower!!!!!

kiwi's picture

The two SDs came home after having their weekend with their mum (every second weekend), walked in the door and announced "Mum said if we want to go and live back with her (DH and I have had them living with us since Aug last year after BM announced she didn't want them anymore) all we have to do is tell the principal at school that Dad smacks us and the principal will phone some people and organise our return to her" Girls are 6 and 7 and don't really understand what she is doing.


Mrsronny's picture

I have never blogged so we will see how this works. I love my husband and his kids and my kids I hope one day it will just be our kids but last thing I read says it takes 7 years sigh. My ex seems to be great with his new kids as he ignores ours. Ron my husband now for the most part is great with the kids even my 17 year old who lived with us up till last month what a tough situation for a new marriage but he handled it like a champ. I guess what gets to me is he plays favorites with his sons. Granted he doesn't get to see them as often we only have the younger 2 boys every other weekend.

Need some advice on how you may have handled this particular situation...

fedupstepdad's picture

So i've been having a problem with SD for as long as I can remember when it comes to doing things in the house. No not chores like most kids her age should be doing (lets take it easy and not expect too much) but simple things like turning off the light when you leave your room, not leaving the tv on, turning off the radio/computer when you leave, not leaving the door open when you go out (open as in my 2 year old almost walked out of the house open).
