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Here is where we are at today.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I still am in IDC mode. SO is teetering between self pity and suck up to GF mode. The issue I have is he is still in his funk and completely useless it's like living alone with a warm body. So I find myself still annoyed with him because he should start to learn by now and stop living for OSD who is not here, and start putting more effort into his relationships with those of us who are.

Especially after today when he as always he got so excited she was going to come and visit. I wasn't so concerned and can always guess what she is going to do before she does it. And.... I was right she just came to get the remainder of her Christmas gifts to bring back to BMs. 

You would think at this point SO would feel some form of aggravation towards her since everything he bought was for her was for here to replace items that have been replaced over and over again because she always brings them to BMs never to be seen again.

On a positive note. SO did inform me he believed she was coming to visit and was insistent he wouldn't make any decisions that effected the household without my input. Also after OSD disappointed him as usual he spent some quality with YSD which is a first.


tog redux's picture

I'm of the mindset that relationships work best if you don't have to change the other person much, or at least nothing major.  Maybe this isn't the guy for you? If he wants to mope around after his daughter like a heartbroken lover, leave him to it.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I told him it was sad what he has become. We had issues with the kids from day 1 and he never not made me a priority in his life. Which made it easier to deal with SKs and Thier issues. I told him things have been different for the past year and I have lost hope they are ever going to get better. 

I told him my choices are to stay and be alone with all the added stress in my life being a SP brings. Or end it and be alone but stress free. I told him right now either way I am alone and which option sounds more appealing?