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Miss Kitty is running the joint

Sweet T's picture

The gate is down and the cat now roams where ever she wishes. She will even sit on one side of me on the couch while the dog sits on the other side of me. The dog wants to be is not there yet.

I have actually not seen the 9 year old dog be as playful as she has been lately.

All this in 3 weeks time! We are very glad we caved and took her.


JustAgirl42's picture

Well of course she's running the joint, would you really expect anything else??

I'm sure she's very glad you took her in too. Wink

Tuff Noogies's picture

YAY! congrats on the furry harmony. they'll figure out a good balance between the two of them.

Sweet T's picture

I told DH last night to fill her dish so she was not waking me up at midnight to demand treats.

When we left she was in her new favorite spot the patio door. I think we may need to hang out a bird feeder or something for entertainment.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Of course she does! She's a cat! Cats were worshipped in ancient Egypt...they have not forgotten this.