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CRAP. My mom had an argument with Loghead today

Last-Wife's picture

Loghead is staying at my parent's house this week for training for his new school district. Their house is only 20 minutes from the conference, instead of our 2 hours. It's in the little town where we used to live, so he was excited to be there and see old friends and eat and shop at his favorite places.

Now, if you've read ANY of my posts, you know Loghead is an "absent minded professor" kinda guy... And I can honestly say I learned EVERYTHING from my mother, and my OCD is even worse than hers... But over time, I have learned to forgive SOME of Loghead's stupid little quirks.

For example, I know if I want Loghead somewhere at 6, I tell him 5.

My mother did not know this... She had a special dinner waiting for him. She and my dad ate when Loghead was 20 minutes late. I'm not really sure on all the details, because my cell phone was out of service all evening due to weather, but he got there around 7, and aparently she really let him have it.

Which he totally deserved...

He called and left me a message. He was all upset, saying how rude she was and that he really felt uncomfortable to stay there tonight. I could hear in his voice that he was shaking.

CRAP. Well, I finally get my phone back up and have these messages from both of them- she's worried cuz he's late, he knows he's in trouble and on his way there, and then another from him after she let him have it.

I just talked to him and he says not to worry about it, because he thinks it's over now, cause they were talking and laughing, and she seemed okay...

Fine. Good. But still, I know she's gonna keep that in the back of her mind, and so will he. There's enough akward family stuff as it is. Really?! He couldn't keep track of time, just once?!

Geez, make my life more difficult, why don't ya?!

And my mom, she takes all kind of crap from my brother, but she couldn't let this one thing slide?

Yeah, me!


LizzieA's picture

It was inconsiderate for him to be late, but I can't believe your mom yelled at him! I guess she's not too concerned about how her guest feels--

butterfly2010's picture

some moms are like that. i know my mom is a nagger, and she annoys everyone to hell because she cant keep certain comments to herself. we ahve all learned to just ignore, smile and nod. we dont take it personally anymore.