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LaMareOssa's picture

Dear BM,

Heres another letter for you, you idiot.

I know it must be so fucking hard being you, with the non existant employment, zero responsibility, everyone wiping your ass for you, I know life must be so tiring and difficult. I know how hard it must be for you to arrange to have SOMEONE ELSE take YOUR kids to ballet and tap and soccer that YOU INSIST they go to. I understand you have some community service to complete within 6 months, I know that must be so fucking time consuming. GROW UP, you dirty hampster.

For starters..take your fucking daughter to the docter..shes been sick for how long now? 3 months? PUT A JACKET ON YOUR KID! It's december, not sept or august...this is not the time for short sleeves, shorts and no jackets.

HOMEWORK! You know what this is, don't you? I'm sure you do with all your online schooling you say you're doing. Guess what? Your kid is failing 3rd grade. Guess what? SDs teacher has been trying for a month now to have a damn conference with you. How can you look at a blank homework sheet and sign it off?

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Do you know what SD said to DH in the car on the way home to us???? NO YOU DON'T! You don't care!

Their conversation went something like this:
DH: Did you bring your homework?
SD: Yeah, It's done though
DH: Lemme see
DH: You know this isn't done, right?
SD: Yeah
DH: Your mother signed yesterdays homework off but it's not done. You need to make sure you're doing it.
SD: Teacher makes me stay in from recess to do missed assignments.
DH: Don't you want to go outside and play with your friends?
SD: Nah, it's too cold anyway.
DH: This is not acceptable. You WILL start doing your homework, even if your mother decides not to check because I will. I will make another appointment with your teacher.
SD: Daddy..You're the only one who does this. No one else checks it.
DH: I know. Thats the problem.

Whats wrong with this conversation? You see nothing wrong do you? Idiot.

You disgust me. I hope you die.



Anon2009's picture

It's going to be hard for DH to make SD do her homework when she's with BM. I do think a phone call to CPS is in order. DH can send them all of the documentation you both have relating to SD and BM. Emails, medical records, SD's report cards, correspondence with teachers, photos, etc. She's been sick for three months and BM hasn't done anything? CPS will want to know about that.

caregiver1127's picture

One of the sad things about this is that the little girl is too cold to go outside - please tell me she has a coat to wear - I am sorry for your SD - I hate child abusers and this POS BM sounds like one - good luck!

KittieKat's picture

Oh yes, same situation except for the fact that Its me checking SD's SD's mother would rather be out partying and hanging out with strange men then stay home and make sure SD's Homework is done...but then again BM is an idiot and probably doesn't even know how to check it...I'm so sorry you have to go through this time and time again...these POS BM's don't realize how their actions effect their kids futures..effen BM's...