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"One time I was nice to my stepmom"

Jcksjj's picture

So if anyone read my blog a couple weeks ago, DH and I have the older 2 kids do simple 10 minute chores after school. For SD that ends up being about 4 days a month. She 2 weeks ago wrote a note in her planner (so her teacher could see) asking me not to make her do chores because it "stresses her out." 

Well BM sent home her conference folder to us, which we didn't ask her to, with a note to send it back. One of her writing assignments was about a time she did something nice for someone. She wrote "one time I was nice to my stepmom because I helped her do chores. I even did them for 2 hours once because I started at 3 and ended at 5:16."

This never happened, of course. I have no idea why shes so stuck on throwing tantrums over having to do something 40 MINUTES A MONTH. It's literally the only thing she has to do at our house, the rest of the time she does whatever she wants all day. Also, that's the first and only nice thing she can think of that shes done? Wtf?

Oh, and she was home for about 2 minutes before she came upstairs absolutely bawling because she was "panicking that she couldn't get into her room" because we put a child safety thing on the doorknob so MDS cant go in there and tear the room apart. 

I just cant with the theatrics 


Simpleton21's picture

LOL, it is funny that she is trying to compare doing chores to being nice!  Chores are done because you are responsible for helping....not because you are nice!  Sad that is the best she could come up with the "being nice".  

Don't you know that SDs shouldn't be required to do chores!?!?  That is cruel and unusual punishment obviously!


Jcksjj's picture

I do wonder what teachers think of her sometimes since they spend as much time around her as I do. And have alot of kids to compare her to

Ispofacto's picture

I wonder if this was her way of tattling.  She told the teacher she shouldn't be doing chores.  You deserve a big reprimand from the teacher, you evil SM.


sharlyns's picture

I laughed so hard! I know the feeling of disgust! But looks like they know just how to manipulate people! Perfect freaking angels in public but demons at home. 

My ss does the same thing they love to make us look like cruella deville! Freaking manipulative brats!

They play oneside against the next over and over! So sad..but it's not your fault you're a good mother!

shamds's picture

Its just absurd for kids to think the parents do it all and they sit on their arses or better still skids treating the stepparent as their live in maid and chuck hissy fits when they’re told to do housework. Oh how painful it is i need to do chores.

my ss was 17.5 when he told his uncle that housework and child rearing was solely a womans job. Oh boy did he cop it from my bil... he pointed his finger and said that dad were responsible for housework and raising kids....