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Can You Predict a Psycho BM?

Francesca's picture

I haven't posted in a while. SO filed for divorce in January. BM avoided service for three months. After service she filed an appearance in court. She did not respond to the petition or appear in court. SO's attorney has filed a motion for a default divorce. Hearing date is set.

This is a typical psycho BM who has sworn to never sign divorce papers yet she has put divorced on her Facebook page. She still tries to keep SO's children from him.

Million dollar question.

Will she appear this time?


Francesca's picture

Hmm, the attorney said if she doesn't appear this time, it's over. SO has asked for custody of his children as well. Clearly she doesn't understand what is going on or she would have responded to the petition. She is pro se (jobless). I do agree that when she realizes that she lost custody of her children that she will wake up. In this case it might mean a suicide attempt. As far as we know she has not sought legal counsel. She just throws everything away, refuses registered mail etc. She was only served after TWO special process servers were appointed and they served the son. She just avoids the whole thing.

Done WIth It's picture

That happened to a friend. Guy didn't show up for court and her lawyer did some last minute stuff, she got everything, including a huge amount of money every month for the rest of her life.

Now, the guy is remarried and guest what his wife wants him to do...uh huh...go back to court and cut the money off to her. Hasn't happened yet, she's still collecting. Thank goodness there were no kids involved.

Hope your court date goes along like that!

Francesca's picture

Wow, thank you all. I didn't know anyone followed my story. I had to stop for a while, I was beginning to be an emotional wreck. We could not afford an attorney, BM was getting crazier and my work performance was suffering. When we found an attorney (after months of interviewing them) who would accept a flat fee, we started the process. To start and then have to stop due to funds would be much worse. Oh, and to backtrack, we hired a mediator (psychologist/attorney) who soaked us and then BM quit after one session. Then when BM was successful at avoiding service for over three months (OMG, how did she do it?) I thought that she would prevail at every turn. Interestingly, we sent her a check (child support) and a letter about the kids, she refused the registered mail. I really didn't get it. Then a friend of mine said, she must think anything that comes her way is bad, and I understood. She doesn't want this divorce on many levels, she wants him back, she never worked, she has no identity, she doesn't want me to have him, she wants him to suffer, she likes controlling (PASing)the kids etc. So, she ignores all attempts at a peaceful, adult divorce and custody arrangement. It didn't have to be that way. She DID, however, file an appearance after service. I just wonder if it could be that easy and we could go on with our lives and attempt to heal the children. F.