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Just need to vent

CastleJJ's picture

So as many of you know, our BM is a real peach. When we took BM to court in 2019, BM motioned to have two stipulations added to the CO, both of which were approved by the judge. BM's hill to die on was SS9 not missing football and that was her sole argument through all of court. The first stipulation is that both parents have to notify the other parent if SS9 spends the night anywhere other than that parent's residence. This means literally anywhere; family's houses, friend's houses, vacations, etc. BM wanted this stipulation added to keep tabs on SS when he is with us and to use the information to harass DH by telling him how much she disapproves of us taking SS places overnight. We can never tell if BM keeps up her end 100%, and we have caught her not telling us a few times "accidentally," but we do hear from her occasionally that SS is sleeping over somewhere. The second stipulation is that DH's visitation cannot interfere with SS9's football. In the summer, DH is entitled to 4 weeks time, but the stipulation allows BM to move that 4 weeks around to accomodate SS' football. This led to a huge fight with BM this spring, but never resulted in a change of parenting time, although I know it can and likely will in the future. It is also stipulated that we have SS9 for Labor Day weekend UNLESS he has a football game. Well since SS started playing football three years ago, he has always had a game on Labor Day weekend, so every year, DH loses that weekend, meaning we don't see SS from July to Thanksgiving or Christmas due to the long distance schedule. This fact sucks, but we have learned to accept it. 

So last week, BM emails DH that her GF's cousin is getting married a few hours outside of town and that SS will need to go since they don't have childcare. They said they were going to be out of town Friday and Saturday night, staying at GF's parents' house. DH didn't care since SS' football game wasn't until 2 p.m. today, which gave BM and GF plenty of time to bring SS back for his game. They literally could have left at 11 a.m. and had SS back in time for the game. 

So DH calls SS tonight like normal and what does he learn??? SS is still at GF's parents' house and SS missed his game. SS said they were leaving GF's parents' around 8 p.m., which would get them home at 11 p.m. tonight, which doesn't really matter since SS doesn't have school tomorrow. But DH was pissed. So it's okay for SS to miss football because of BM, and this game could have been easily attended, yet heaven forbid SS miss football to see DH. We know it is a reoccurring trend with our BM and that we can't change it, but it's still annoying every time it happens. DH just keeps reminding himself and me that our baby girl will be here in a few short months and to ignore it, especially since we can't change BM and this lousy situation. Plus calling BM out for it will only unleash BM's narc tendencies and we will be "in the wrong" for something since BM is never wrong, so it's not worth it. 

Oh and a few months ago, BM said that SS accused me of eavesdropping on all of SS' phone calls with her and GF, which is a bold-faced lie because I am rarely even around when he calls them. We confronted SS about this during last visitation and SS denied saying this. I 100% believe BM made it up. While Skyping SS tonight, whose heads do I see peeking out from the top of the stairs behind SS on the couch??? BM and GF... for the entire conversation. They thought they were being so sneaky, yet we could see half of both of their faces for the whole 15 minute call. Can you say projection much??? Gosh, I hate these women!


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Your BM is definitely one of the worst. While I wouldn't call her out on it - if DH ever has SS and he misses a game, I certainly wouldn't worry about it.

Powerfamily's picture

Oh and a few months ago, BM said that SS accused me of eavesdropping on all of SS' phone calls with her and GF, which is a bold-faced lie because I am rarely even around when he calls them. We confronted SS about this during last visitation and SS denied saying this. I 100% believe BM made it up. While Skyping SS tonight, whose heads do I see peeking out from the top of the stairs behind SS on the couch??? BM and GF... for the entire conversation. They thought they were being so sneaky, yet we could see half of both of their faces for the whole 15 minute call. Can you say projection much??? Gosh, I hate these women!

You and DH should have said hello to both of them, after all it's rude not acknowledge them.


Rags's picture

Baring the asses of idiots and humiliating them as publically as possible can often be an effective method for modifying behavior.

Rags's picture

File a contempt motion against BM and bare her ass in court.  SS needs to see Dad complying and BM suffering for violating the CO.

CastleJJ's picture

I don't think a contempt case would get us anywhere. The CO states that football is priority over DH's parenting time, but it says nothing about it taking priority over BM's parenting time. The CO allows BM to move DH's summer visitation around to accomodate football and states that DH will lose Labor Day weekend visitation if SS has a game. So far, BM has followed those stipulations to a tee. I don't know what BM would actually be in contempt for outside of creating a double standard, which isn't really contempt. I should add that BM has sole legal and physical custody with 308 overnights per year. 

It's not worth it. We spent $30k and a year in court in 2019 to have the judge tell DH to "pay his CS and drop rope" because "kids need their mothers." Our request was simply for joint legal custody and increased visitation from 6 weeks per year to 10 weeks per year. BM drug out court proceedings by several months with false allegations of abuse and remotioned for several items to be added to the CO multiple times after they were dismissed by the judge. We were awarded absolutely nothing more. And we had hundreds of pages of evidence of withholding, PAS, and third party interference by the GF. This judge still presides over our case and he told DH prior to final judgement that coming back to court would be a costly mistake. He advised DH that he will never rule to change the CO until SS emancipates from the court system.

If we took BM back to court, even for something small like contempt, we would end up wasting thousands, like JMTB, on a losing battle and frankly we don't have the money or the emotional capacity to put ourselves through that again. DH and I are young; we both aren't even 30 yet - we didn't have the $30k to spend the first time. It took two years to dig ourselves out of the financial hole that court caused. And the emotional trauma of court and dealing with BM for the past 9 years is a whole separate issue that required extensive counseling for both of us. We don't need to be financially and emotionally destroyed again over a losing battle with BM. DH and I are expecting our own child this winter and we need to start financially focusing on our family and our future. 

tog redux's picture

Agreed. Court is not a magic consequence machine. Plus, the CO says DH can't make him miss football due to visitation, not BM. And the phone thing - meh, they will have an excuse.  This is typical HCBM hypocrisy. The rules are for the other parent, not them. Don't waste your time or money. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I completely agree with tog on this one.  

You and your DH are right to drop the rope.  The judge is against you, your BM is a narc and you don't have the funds to pursue any further tilting at windmills.

Make yourselves as boring as possible to BM and maybe she'll find another victim.

CastleJJ's picture

Yeah that's been the plan since court wrapped up last summer. DH has disengaged from the situation for the most part and responds to all emails with "Thank you for the update" and leaves it at that. We exercise our parenting time as the CO outlines; nothing more, nothing less. We call SS twice per week as the CO outlines, same days and times. If BM is mad that she is no longer relevant and we are boring to her, that is her own problem and she did it to herself. These situations that keep arising are just irritating, but not worth acting on. 

tog redux's picture

Yes, good for you. And all fighting in court puts SS in the middle and ramps up the alienation too. 

advice.only2's picture

Sad that she does all these things to remain relevant to DH, despite the fact that she keeps screaming to the world she wants nothing to do with him.  Vent away here knowing you have our support, once your daughter is born I have a feeling your focus will completely shift and he shenannigans truly will melt into the background rendering her completely irrelevant in your life.

CastleJJ's picture

I think BM's shenanigans have been at the forefront of our lives solely because we have spent so many years fighting for SS with no success. SS really has been the center of our universe for so long and we have spent most of our relationship waiting for him to visit and dreading when he leaves, knowing it will be months until he comes again. We suffered through years of daily abusive emails from BM and regular withholding, only going along with it in hopes that we could maintain a decent relationship with SS. DH and I have always spent our time longing for the missed first steps, the first lost tooth, the Christmas traditions we missed out on, the trick or treating we never got to do, the school events we were never allowed to attend, etc. so a lot of our energy has been spent wallowing in that loss of relationship and experiences, all while BM gets to do those normal family things. And BM knows this bothers us, which is what keeps her relevant.

BM has already faded into the background to a certain extent because instead of receiving lengthy, abusive emails daily, we now only hear from BM once every few weeks with occasional drama every few months. We haven't had a real "fight" with BM since spring. I think taking BM to court is what made her back off, solely because she used to threaten court action to get her way, and we finally called her bluff and took her to court instead, which she wasn't prepared for. We know that BM was shocked when she was served with the court motion because she told DH she was and felt it was cruel of him to not give her a "heads up." While court didn't grant us anything, the judge did have stern words with BM about the constant contact and butting her nose into our household, which I think has led to her backing off. I think DH's grey rocking has also helped.

I 100% believe that all of this will fade into the background once our daughter arrives. DH keeps saying it too. Every time BM gets petty and points out that DH missed another SS milestone that BM and GF were a part of, DH just says, "Soon we will have our baby and none of this crap will matter." DH and I are so looking forward to the normal, everyday parenting things that we get to do, that we missed out on with SS. We won't have the time or energy to focus on BM and her games. I know BM will likely freak out once she finds out I am pregnant, because that control over DH will be diminished if not lost completely. Her only leverage over DH is SS and the fact that she knows DH longs for these parenting experiences, all of which he will get to do with our daughter, rendering BM irrelevant. I am a little nervous to see what antics BM unleashes when she finds out but part of me also doesn't care. I just hope it isn't anything that puts our family in jeopardy (like false CPS claims) or more court. 

I am so happy I found this site and support from others who have been in the trenches too.