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To the Offspring - Why Don’t You Get a Job?

blessedwithstress's picture

Another offshoot to the SD car insurance saga…

SD17 had a job. SD17 had a reaction to something in the environment and Dr wouldn’t clear her to go back to that job until they figured out what it was. This was back at the end of the school year. SD17 hasn’t seen an allergist and has been ‘surviving’ by babysitting throughout the summer. Well here we are within spitting distance of the school year starting and SD still hasn’t found a real job. I casually asked her the other day how the hunt was going. Here’s how that went…

Me:        Dad says you might have a lead on a job?

SD:         (makes confused face) Um, no?

Me:        Oh, maybe I misunderstood him. Have you been looking or have you put in applications anywhere?

SD:         I was thinking of applying to XYZ place but they don’t even pay minimum wage. It’s just a training wage since I’m under 18. So I’m not going to apply there. I was thinking of applying to ABC place.

Me:        Well money is money. You should apply to both. The more apps you have out there the better. You need a job.

SD:         Yeah, well...(trails off, makes face and grumbles implying that XYZ place is not worth her time because it only pays like $7/hr)

The thing to understand about XYZ place is that they are actively looking for HS age kids. They work around school schedules. This girl is willingly turning away from an opportunity to MAKE MONEY. At this point I am just baffled. BM and DH aren’t being pushy about the job issue. BM of course doesn’t give a sh*t. Why should she when she can bleed DH dry? And DH…I don’t know if he’s just got too many other things on his mind or if he seriously thinks we as parents should have to foot the bill for all her car expenses because ‘she’s just a kid’. It wouldn’t surprise me if that was the case. He’s all about ‘let them be kids’ and sh*t. Yeah, well they’re going to be legal adults in 1-2 years so best teach them some f*king responsibility NOW before they get smacked in the face with real life. I am NOT going to support a freeloader for the rest of my life. No effing way.

If she were MY kid – she would have been out looking for a job the second she lost the other one. There would have been a steep decline in the number of frivolous trips and spending on her part. And zero gas allowance from the Bank of SM & Dad. That car could stay parked in the driveway unless she had an interview. There are times when parents do need to bear burdens for their kids because the kids aren’t ready for the responsibility, but this isn’t one of them. Like I said in my last post – I was PRIVILEGED to have a car at the age of 16. I didn’t pay insurance but I paid for every drop of my own gas, every car payment, oil changes, and also shared the cost of maintenance (my parents helped but I still paid for as much as I could). And the brief periods when I was in between jobs? I stayed home and pinched my pennies because I knew I had to make my gas last until I could make more money! Seriously, I think SD17 is under the impression that if she can’t afford it BM and Dad will just pay for it.   

I feel like I should include a disclaimer of sorts. SD is a good kid. She gets straight As. She’s not mouthy or a trouble-maker. She has good friends. Doesn’t give in to peer pressure (that we know of). She’s generally driven to succeed…at least when it comes to school work.

Outside of school she’s a bit of a slug. Her room is a sty (probably picking up habits from BM). She frequently comes home and goes straight to her room where she gets under the covers and lays there playing on her phone until dinner time, after which she goes right back to her room and continues. I’ve recently noticed that it takes some prodding to get her to do her chores. All we ask is that she keep her room clean and scoop cat litter. I’ve had to do it for her several times in the last month because she a) forgets or b) is too busy hanging out with her friends and isn’t home long enough to do it. I also noticed that the last time she said she scooped litter, it looked like all she did was dump 3 inches of fresh litter on top of whatever was in the box already.

I’m so fed up with supporting someone who says they’re grateful but gives the impression that they are totally taking what they have for granted.


blessedwithstress's picture

I can already hear his response...

DH:  You're such a harda**. We both had cars when we were teenagers. I'm not going to deny my kid something that I had. Didn't your parents ever help you out?

Me:   Sure, but I also had a J-O-B!!!

I have been continuously employed from the time I was 16 with only TWO gaps lasting less than 3 months total! I jdon't understand why DH and BM are not pushing this issue harder. This is a seriously EASY life lesson to teach, especially now while she's young!

Give a kid a car and they will expect you to pay for everything. Teach a kid to keep a damn JOB and they will likely be self-supporting for the rest of their life! 

Siemprematahari's picture

Reminds me of the quote: "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime~Confucius."

Life lesson and one she'll learn the hard way.

shamds's picture

when my 1-2 yr olds were helping with giving me lau dry to hang or fold or put it i. The washing machine and helping with sweeping mopping the house even vacuuming.

these were chores they saw me do daily and kids imitate their parents so they were so happy when they did these thingstp help me out.

”let kids be kids and not put pressure on them” is crap parenting and not teaching kids how to handle the real world...

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Finances seem like a huge issue in your marriage, with your SD just being a symptom of the problem.

I think if you approach the problem as needing to retrench and pay down debt, you might get a better result. And it certainly sounds as if you need to.

Your SD will be sending out college apps in just a few months, right? Has that topic been discussed? Maybe if you start planting seeds about the huge expenses SD will soon have, your DuH will be more amenable to seeing a financial counselor.

I really feel for you, OP. One of the worst parts of steplife is feeling as if there's an out of control train barreling towards you and having a spouse who refuses to see it.

thinkthrice's picture

"had a reaction to something in the environment"

yeah, it was called "work"


fourbrats's picture

really depends on the kid. My son (now 24) was the only kid to have a regular job in high school and he did so by choice. The girls all did babysitting or other side gigs in high school (two have graduated, two in high school) because it worked better for their schedules and then DH and I have a budget for "allowance" although that is dependent on grades, chores, and generally not being an ass while with us.

Middle DD is also 17 and has a crazy school schedule...she has regular classes in the AM and then cosmetology school from 11-7 four days a week and 11-3 one day plus every other Saturday. It doesn't make sense for her to get a job right now. Youngest DD is not quite 16 and babysits because locally it's hard for those under 17 to get a job anymore. 

There are a lot of ways to work out a compromise on this issue. Our DD (the one in cosmetology school) cleans houses for several people around her schedule for example. Is your SD in any way entrepreneurial? 

blessedwithstress's picture

Academically she’s driven. Apart from school she’s lazy like her BM. There really is no reason she can’t have a job. Her school schedule would allow for it. And unless she decides to sign up for every extracurricular activity under the sun, she has plenty of time after school and on weekends to work. Babysitting is a summer gig because the people she babysits for need someone during the day while they work. 

If it were financially possible we would consider a chores-for-allowance arrangement but we cannot afford it. 

The only thing stopping her from getting a job is pure laziness. 

Harry's picture

DH is giving his DD. Then if she wants to have a car she has to get a job.  This is your DH doing. He supporting her not working and you don’t have an exter cent to your name,  your family comes first.  SD get CS 

agitated's picture

I feel your pain! My SD17 was supposed to get a job within 3 months of turnined 16, but that hasn't happened. She will ONLY work where her only friend works, but never went to talk to the manager. we are. She has 290 days until high school is over and she enters the real world, but has no clue how to do that.