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When Dumb & Dumber Drive the Bus

BettyRay's picture

I just don’t understand how these people came go through life so ignorant.

Dumb (BM)

Incident #1: Graduation RSVP Saga

So SS18 is in a dual program with the local tech school. The tech school is having a dual program graduation ceremony in a couple of weeks. This is in addition to SS18’s HS graduation. The tech school requested an RSVP by Friday of all the guests SS18 invited to the ceremony. I asked DH last night – did you RSVP? DH said no he assumed BM had done that since she put it on the e-calendar. I asked DH to call BM and make sure. DH calls BM and NO she didn’t bother to RSVP. IDIOT. So DH did it last night.

Incident #2: Another Request for Money

SM texts DH asking if he’s going to pay half for SS13’s black belt academy. DH texts back, “please call me, I want to talk about this.” BM doesn’t respond. The next day BM texts DH “I paid for it, I’ve paid thousands already $500 doesn’t matter.”

REALLY? Seriously, WTF? DH has faithfully paid full CS (over the last 13 years) at over a grand a month, closer to 2 grand and that’s how BM wants to play it. DH ignored her. He’s a better man than I am.

Dumber (SS18)

Incident #3: Last Minute Court of Honor Announcement

Friday night at dinner I asked SS18 when he would receive his neck scarf and the other things for Eagle Scout. He busts out with: “There’s a court of honor Monday night and that’s when I’ll get my Eagle Scout stuff.”
DH nearly spit out his food. DH says: “Are you going?

SS18: “Yes. I want you there too.”
DH: “When were you planning on telling us? And does BM know?”
SS18: “I told BM today before I came over.”
DH: “We’ll be there for the ceremony but not for the potluck because I have to take SS13 to karate.”
SS18: “But you guys are supposed to bring a veggie platter.”
DH: “Too bad, you’ll just have to buy one and bring it yourself or have BM do it.”
SS18: “Oh.”

Incident #4: The Boy Scout Class A Shirt

Saturday morning SS18 asks me: “BettyRay can you wash my Class A?”

The shirt is brand new. DH and I bought it for him and had the patches sewn on because his old one was missing the "Y" in Boy Scouts and we knew he was going to need it for his Eagle Scout ceremony. SS18 wore it once and then threw it on the floor of his car. I saw it there many times. The shirts is now dirty and stained from throwing his backpack on it and people stepping on it getting in and out of his car.

Me to SS18: “No. Do it yourself or ask your father.” (I walk away to do our laundry.)
DH comes into the laundry room a little while later. “Honey can you wash SS18’s Class A shirt?”
Me: “No.”
DH: “What’s wrong?”
Me: “Those 2 (meaning SSons) are very ungrateful. They rarely say thank you for anything that we do for them. At least SS13 says thank you occasionally, but SS18, never. I’m done. What’s the point? He is just using me. He's treated that new shirt like trash and now he wants me to clean it up for him. No. Not going to happen.” DH leaves.

A short while later SS18 appears in the laundry room and mutters quietly: “BettyRay, I’m sorry I forgot to wish you on Mother’s Day. Thanks for everything you do.”
I said thank you. Then SS18 turns and takes off, leaving the Class A behind.

I left it there, did all of our laundry except that. DH ended up washing and ironing it for SS18.

Mother’s Day Aftermath

Now Mother’s Day came and went and I didn’t expect anything from SSons. DH got me a nice bouquet and a sweet card. SSons were with BM for Mother’s Day – as it should be. I was trying to explain to DH that a “thank you” now and then is important. That’s all.

I found out later that DH went off on both because apparently he had texted them and reminded them to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to me and they both dropped the ball. DH is very disappointed in them.

News of the Weird:

DH told BM about the skids not wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day and DH told BM he told SSons he wants them to make sure that they wish her SO a Happy Father’s Day because it’s the right thing to do. DH told BM that the boys wouldn't have the kind of life they have if it wasn't for ALL 4 of US.

From what DH said BM ripped them each a new one, in front of DH. Per DH, BM told them that “BettyRay makes DH a nicer person, your father was a jerk before he met her.” Don’t know if I believe that but the whole situation is weird.



BettyRay's picture

Yup - BM always has to get a dig in at DH.

> Her picker never worked did it?<

Still doesn't her SO is a piece of work. I think the only reason BM agreed with DH is because she's getting married later this year and now she wants the boys to acknowledge their stbSF.


ChiefGrownup's picture

The news of the weird category is off the charts. "All 4 of us"--wow. And bm was on board, too. I think you should submit this to a museum. Stepparents will come from far and wide to examine it.

BettyRay's picture

>>all 4 of us<< I don't know where to put this comment. I feel like maybe my DH is getting it, after 10 long years.
