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Today the Family Attended a Special Daddy Daughter Date

Anne Boleyn's picture

Hello all.

I have been reading for a few weeks and have commented on a few posts but this is my first entry.

Background: My FDH and I will celebrate our second anniversary next week. We met, fell in love and spent 90% of our free time together then moved in together 8 months ago. I left my town (an hour away), my dear BD22, my home, my friends and everything behind to be with him. I am madly in love with him. I chose to raise my son alone when I had him at age 19. He has 4 children and was with his ex for over 20 years. They have been divorced for 6+ years. Kids are SS18, SD17, SD14, SD11. I have grown to love but not always like the kids. SD14 is great. SS18 is at college so out of the way but selfish when he is around. SD17 is sweet but has developmental delays and can be hard to handle sometimes. SD11 makes me crazy. She is spoiled and defiant. Fortunately, at my urging, the finally got her a counselor who sounds like she’s all about making the child earn her privileges.

I have been through hell in the last many months. So many “blending” issues that I wanted to run and hide. When we moved into our new house, it started off fine. The BM and I were even getting along rather well. But then I quickly realized that the boundary issues that I asked my FDH to handle with her were not being handled. Typical stuff that I read on this site….texting at all hours, expecting FDH to do stuff for her under the guise that it’s for the kids, playing the martyr, thinking she could walk in my house without knocking. She receives thousands of dollars a month in CS and alimony, leaving my FDH broke and me picking up the slack. She even went as far to expect him to take HER dog EOW when we have the kids (we also have them Thursday nights and he visits them at her house Tuesdays) despite the fact that her dog was terrorizing my cats. (My dog doesn’t do that.) I put my foot down on many things and she kept pushing. So now we are no longer on speaking terms. My FDH is trying to keep the peace but seriously has no backbone with her and has tremendous guilt issues about the kids. He’s gotten better but we still have a ways to go.

The issues with SD11 are the ones that are making me nuts right now. She’s about to get her parents dragged into court due to her refusal to go t school half the time. When I met him, the kid (9 at the time) was staying up all night. For two years I’ve been complaining about having to deal with a kid up at 1AM when there should be adult time. We recently finally agreed on a 12PM weekend bedtime but she was up until 1 last night. There were no boundaries and now we have small ones that are often pushed. She throws fits like she’s 2 years old which is the biggest issue. She is a pig—even eats with her hands sometimes. I once saw her pick up a freaking fried egg with runny yolks and start nibbling on it. Just gross. He doesn’t see those things. She is babied and coddled, especially since she was diagnosed with type I diabetes. I feel bad that she has to deal with than and am very supportive. But it’s not an excuse to treat everyone like crap.

The worst part is that she’s addicted to her computer and never wants to leave the house. After being here all day yesterday and doing nothing but staring at screens, we decided to take the kids out today. We live in a historic town and there is plenty to do and see. Beautiful day so we were venturing out. I knew it was going to be a fight. As expected, as I was standing at the door, ready to leave, I realize that she is in her pajamas. She threw a fit refusing to go when FDH told her to change clothes. The whole family was held hostage for over 30 minutes by her. This happens every damn time we ever try to do something enjoyable out of the house. EVERY TIME. It makes me livid.

She’s also very clingy with her dad and tries to “own” him when we are out of the house. Today, I felt like the rest of us were attending a special date she had with her dad. (Mind you, she didn’t want to go to begin with). As soon as we got out of the car, she grabs his hand and triumphantly smiles and walks proudly like “He’s MINE!”. The whole walk to the museum was like this. It was like the other SDs and I weren’t even there. Once at the museum, she was hanging on him (mind you, she is my height and has almost C cups). He was pointing all sorts of stuff out to her -- just her. This is not unusual. So after the museum and ice cream that she got all over her damn face like she’s three, we walked back the beautiful old town street to the car. She was walking in front of us talking to her sister. FDH finally noticed I was there and held my hand. Not two minutes later, she saw him holding my hand and came and grabbed his other hand. Now, walking three abreast holding hands on a crowded old street is just absurd and undoable. So I just dropped hands and let them go. One minute later, she was back talking to her sister again. It’s seriously a control thing with her.
Beyond my being terribly annoyed with her, I was feeling bad for the other kids who went mostly ignored. How can ONE person in a big family take up so much time and space? She did her best to ruin our day before we left then turned around and made the whole day about her. And of course, FDH had no clue why any of this would be a problem.

As stated earlier, she starts counseling soon with a tough person. FDH and BM are meeting with her to agree on a parenting contract. (I was told I wasn’t needed there to decide what behaviors are problems, what rules should be in place and what consequences there will be despite the fact that I am constantly being asked to be more of a parent and I was the one who pushed for boundaries, rules and the counselor and I have a degree in Psych). I am praying that something changes because I really don’t know if I can handle her behavior. It’s ridiculous.

Thanks for listening. And thanks for all of your blogs that have made me realize I am not crazy and alone in this.


Anon2009's picture

You're welcome. And I think fdh is the one to blame for putting this child on a pedestal.

Did you watch "The Tudors?" I did and though some of it wasn't 100% accurate, loved it. Do you think Anne Boleyn got unfairly treated by her SD? I don't think she was a saint but the situation wasn't entirely her fault either...

oncechoosetosmile's picture

I can feel your pain!!! DH has to put his foot down....Is he even aware how ridiculous it is to hold hand with his 11 year old child while wondering around?And what a wrong message he sends to the rest of the family, especially you.In my opinion he should hold hands with his wife or nobody not with his mini-wife-daughter- she is too old for that.Not saying they don't need cuddles , warmth and love with 11 - only the toddler like hand holding strikes bizarr in that age group.
And sadly i know what you mean with the look she gives everyone that she owns daddy and nobody else gets even a piece of him....See, SD is only doing what DH allows her to do...he needs to wake up.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I really appreciate all the comments. They are both helpful and it is also nice just to have some support by others who have experienced similar issues. It was also most helpful to simply get that off my chest. I would’ve stayed cranky and angry about it if I hadn’t. Our weekend was much better because of it.

I do not think that family counseling will occur. But I am going myself and have been since before we moved in together. (He went to the first two sessions with me which was also good). We have also both read the same book and articles about blending families and will continue to do so. That opened both of our eyes to some things we could each change. We’re trying hard but this is not easy stuff, especially when there are so many people involved and two of the kids have some difficult issues. As bad as it sounds right now, we’ve actually made a ton of progress. I can only imagine what my blog would’ve looked like a few months ago. There was some crazy stuff.

The youngest going to counseling is a big step in the right direction. She needs assistance dealing with life and learning to navigate it in a healthy way. Right now, she’s in a crisis. A brilliant kid yet she’s failing school. The internet / screen time has a LOT to do with that as she’s basically checking out of life. In addition, BM (where she lives most of the school week and EOW), goes to bed many nights before her leaving her up on the computer. She can’t set boundaries for herself yet so she stays up half the night and is too exhausted to go to school. She throws massive fits the next morning and BM gives in. Terrible cycle. And of course, BM won’t admit that this is a problem. The counselor is definitely going to help with that. FDH to SD to the first meeting with her last week and she was clear that the first thing that’s going to happen is that the computer is being taken away and then they will collectively teach her how to earn back the privilege and to use it in a healthy way. As much as I can be irritated by the kid, I do care for her a lot and want to see her succeed and to be happy.

FDH and I are going to have to have some more direct discussions about my role and expectations we both have. We will function better when we have an agreement on what that role is. I do want to support him and I don’t ever want to replace BM in any way. He’s asking me to step up and talk the kids more directly about their behavior etc… but then sort of says the opposite with his actions. I am totally fine in the back seat role as long as he understands that I have expectations on behavior and I do believe it’s fair for me to have input on what happens in my home. We have to agree on what is tolerated. But again, I think a lot will come out of the counseling where an actual parenting plan and intervention is decided for both households. I do like the suggestion to think o myself in an “auntie” role which I am very good at already with my brothers’ kids.

For those of you who commented on my name- thanks. It does come from The Tudors. When FDH and I were watching we were laughing at some of the common themes. There were words uttered straight from Anne’s mouth that I have actually said (in an American accent). It started with me calling his ex “Catherine of Aragon” as she always plays the martyred wonderful woman. In real life, I actually feel horrible for Catherine. In my life, I can’t stand the “Oh poor me” stuff. I just want to say, “Look, lady, you wanted to get divorced. You can’t expect your ex husband who lives 30 miles away and does everything in his power to be with his kids and see that they have what they need to be at your beck and call. He’s no longer your husband. He’s a great, involved father and you are lucky to have someone like him as your kids’ father. And you are not a martyr. You have made your choices and some of those choices come with difficult ramifications. As someone who raised a child completely alone, with no family nearby, no CS, and managed to work my way up the ladder and do well while raising this kid, I have a hard time with you feeling put upon for being asked to drop off the kids once in a while, not text us at 11PM or 6AM for something trivial, stop receiving CS for a kid who is 18 and hasn’t lived with you for 6 months, actually use the thousands you receive monthly in CS to buy underwear and such for the kids who do live with you and to take care of your own dog on your free weekends.” So, that’s where that comes from…

Well, the kids are gone after the long weekend and I am heading to a wonderful happy hour at a friend’s house with FDH when he returns from his trip to the Aragon Estate.