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OT - Gifts you don't want

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I didn't want to hijack another thread, but the comments made me curious...

What do you do with a gift you never use or do not want/like? 

Do you use/wear it once or twice?
Do you keep it handy for the time the gifter comes over, then blow off the dust and place it in a spot of prominence or wear it?
Do you donate or regift it?
Do you stick it in a closet or cupboard or the back of a shelf and let it gather dust until, years later, you find it while cleaning/remodeling? (And do you then throw it away?)
Do you throw it away?


queensway's picture

I really never re-gift. But if I recieve a gift that I will never use I might offer it to someone. Someone that might like or use it. Not as a gift but as a kind gesture. I do think it is important to always remember when someone gives you is the thought that counts.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hi, Queen - always a pleasure to 'see' you! xo

Excellent idea to offer it like that. And you are absolutely right - it IS the thought that counts. Do you think BioHo would consider that if I gifted her with doggie doo? Wink

queensway's picture

Well only if it is fresh doggie-doo. No hard stuff for her. Good only knows what she would do with something hard!!!!!!!!! BioHo...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

If it must be fresh doggie doo, that leaves a single option: Flaming Bag Of Poo On The Porch! *diablo*

Letti.R's picture

I very seldom get gifts I don't like or want because I appreciate the sentiment behind the kindness.
When I did, I donated it to a charity shop - without letting the gift giver know.
I don't mean to seem ungrateful but one or two items I have received in the past, was just beyond what I would EVER wear or like - not for want of trying.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Same here, Letti.

The ONE time I received something to wear I didn't like, I HAD to wear it. My Mom gave it to me. She knew my fave color is purple and bought me a purple sweater. Lord, but that thing was ugly! That shade of purple made me look like a corpse and the style was something a matronly woman would wear (and I was a teenager). Nevertheless, I wore that sweater until it was a rag. Okay, I admit I was extra-hard on that sweater so it wore out faster, but I wore it!

Willow2010's picture

I would normally regift or donate.  UNLESS…it was from my DH, DD or Mom.  I would make sure they see me use it at least once.  But that does not happen often since they all put a lot of thought into the gift and know what I like. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

know what I like

And that is the key, isn't it? Like when my Mom bought me that sweater. It WAS purple! Smile

CLove's picture

I pretty much donate everything and let the "charity gods" do the rest. I never regift. Not enough storage. Not organized enough.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My sole concern with regifting would be that the gifter would see the re-giftee with that gift!

Chmmy's picture

As a teacher i get lots of gifts i dont need. I brought them out at christmas time and let others use them as regifts for teachers or grab bags. I even gave my ex some stuff to give to his girlfriend. Im sure she would have loved that one lol regifts from the BM. Her & I got along great. I think I was a good BM for the most part. My ex passed away and her & i still keep in touch. We've even seen each other a couple times. The kids want to see her occasionally but not with out me there as a buffer.

As far as gifts from my kids or my DH, i keep that and use it a little even if i dont like it that much it is still from my kids or hubby so its special. The ring that SS11 gave me from one of those Santa things at school, i even wore that a couple times. He was the only skid to get me a gift from him that said to mom. He never calls me mom so i dont know why he did that. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Cool about the teacher regifting!

I read Santa as Satan... *shok*

Lizzylemon's picture

any gifts that I do not want go in a box in my cats bedroom and after a year (when I’m certain the gifter has forgotten what they gave) I donate them. I feel 1 year is a safe period to do that. I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. However, I always said thank you and told the gifter how I was going to use the gift. Something useful my mother taught me. 

Kes's picture

Things I get given that I don't like get passed on straight away to the local Barnado's charity shop.  I feel no compunction to get them out when the donor visits.   If I like things, I keep them, and have got a lovely bowl that one of my friends made and gave me, displayed in our living room.  But folks give me crap, out it goes pronto.