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Filing Papers Today

amodernstepmom's picture

edited to add: I'm really disappointed in some of the negative comments I've received. I have posted this as a blog post; it's an account of my experiences, it's abbreviated, and it is not comprehensive of what we are facing or arguing or asking. We may not win, but we have not set ourselves up to think that it's guaranteed.

I do not post all details of our cases nor exact circumstances. 


Court in 2 weeks

StepMa2BeeYo's picture

Hello all !

I'm new to the site.

In two weeks, we're returning to court for custody modification since BM was in contempt and keeps bending the custody arrangement to her scheduling.  Any suggestions or advice?  How does court usually go for contempt?  We have joint legal and physical but are going to recommend Joint physical and legal with kids having two residences and not any one primary.  Also we have plans to request a 4-3 custody schedule.  4 days for Dad and 3 days for Mom.

Any suggestions?  or anyone know how this could go?
