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We have slain the beast that is the Child Support office!

mamacat_30's picture

So in my previous post I shared with you all about CSSD placing a levy on our bank account. They placed the levy on Saturday, so this morning we go down to the local CSSD office and say "What the heck? We haven't missed a payment on support or arrears in the last 4 years!!". The CS officer says "Well if that's true then they would not have levied your account", she was not believing us at all. So then she looks up DH's payment record in the system, and lo and behold, she confirms we have been faithfully paying our obligation for years, her tone changes completely.

When Does Childhood End?

LizGrace65's picture

In my opinion, growing up is a process. There is not a magic day on which a human being (*bing*!!!) goes from being a child to being an adult. It is nonsensical to conclude that someone's behavior must be excusable or could not possibly be malicious because they are a "child" - because there is no clear definition of a child. Because, again, there is no (***BING***!!!) magic day when a person goes from "child" instantly to "adult."

“That’s part of the trade”?!?!? Really?!?

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

SS3’s giant birthday extravaganza was this Saturday… and all things considered (BM hosting in their old house together with all of her neighbors and work pals looking on at the “new chippie” in DH’s life) the party went really well! I’m starting to think that Mother Russia is legitimately trying to keep things friendly for the sake of the kids.

Not sure what's best...

stormabruin's picture

SS is turning 17 on Friday. DH hasn't spoken to him since his last birthday. We're can't quite agree on how to acknowledge it. Of course, I realize SS isn't my child, & the decision isn't mine to make. DH's kids have completely blocked him out of their lives & he's incredibly hurt. We've talked it to death. I've explained that part of it is their ages. They're selfish. Of course, as a selfish teen, I didn't block either of my parents out of my life...though there were times I wished I could.

Just an update to my post of last week..

HeatherM's picture

Where SS8 lied to his mother about having been 'beat up' by my bioson 13...

So... I find out this weekend how it all went down... BM asked SS to clean his room... (A week after Grandpa/or I left two fingermark bruises on his side from wrestling/tickling him)... SS tells BM he can't because he's in too much pain... as my BS beat him up... so BM see's the bruises and calls my DH...and also tells DH that SS said he told his dad but his dad didn't care... so DH rushes over to BM's house to comfort SS and tell him he cares about him, and everything will be ok.

I almost vomited.

What the hell?!?!?!?!?!? Can you be so hateful and crazy........

imagr8tma's picture

BM goes to court on contempt charges tomorrow (court date was orginially for today - slipped one day til 13 July)...... and she pulls more crap this saturday.

DH and BM are to meet for DH's two week visitation for summer for this month. The court order states 1200 noon for the visitation exchange. BM never shows up to the location and waits until about 1230 to answer her phone..... stating

Progress with SS

Jsmom's picture

Wow! SS11 just called the house. This is our morning switch off for the week. After all my discussions and his dad's, he actually called before coming over. I asked if he wanted me to come get him and he said yes. They live two subdivisions over and I have always had issues with him walking and not telling anyone. Something clicked.

So disgusted with SS15 and ridiculous BM

LizGrace65's picture

The wake / funeral for SS15's friend who was killed was 6 to 8 today at a local church.

SO has been going over to the family's house every day since last Thursday when we found out the boy had died from injuries sustained in a crash over the holiday weekend which killed the friend who was driving and seriously injured the two other young men in the car.

Day 3 of 10

June's picture

Okay so like I said in my last blog, we get my two SS 13 & 17 for ten days bc BM is on vacation. Really kinda HATE this whole arrangement. Friday wasn't too bad, we took the skids out to dinner for their b-day. SS 17 was in a foul mood didn't talk much. Then on Sat my DH went to work and I was stuck here with the skids. I thought SS17 would go out with his friends but he bummed here for most of the day. SS13 played his video games extremly loud all day didn't say much to me. Then DH gets home and dosent feel like going out... So I just sat home all fricken day and night.
