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The SS saga continues. What a weekend.

AJanie's picture

To get the full scope of BM's bullshit - I will just give a rundown of how my skid weekend went.

Friday: BM is court ordered to drop skids off to us on Friday EOW, we return them Sunday. SS has football right now, so normally DH just goes to his game in BM's hometown and takes him home after. It was raining Friday and DH assumed game would be canceled so he texted BM at noon to let him know for sure - but regardless he wasn't going to be at the game so she needed to drop off. The game did not end up being canceled so we assumed by 7:00 skids would be dropped off. Dinner was made and set aside. BM texted DH she didn't "have her car" and needed to go home first. She also wanted SS to shower (as if he couldn't do that at our house.) Finally at 8:30 she calls and says she has to "feed them." DH was getting aggravated and said he always feeds them dinner, tacos were set aside for them, just get them here. Well, 10:00 came and went and no skids. BM shut her phone off. DH was panicked and finally around 10:30 got through to SS on his ipod and SS said "mom told us she is dropping us off tomorrow instead." Nice to know.

Saturday she dumped the skids off around 10:00. DH took SS for a ride to discuss with him what happened with BM's boyfriend and him being afraid of him. SS confessed to DH that BM told him "don't tell dad that you are afraid or you will be forced to go to counseling." So SS was apparently begging DH not to tell BM anything he said. SD also said that the boyfriend yells a lot and "hates dad."

Sunday SD was supposed to split a chocolate bar with SS but she stuffed it into her mouth and refused to share. I was about to reprimand her when suddenly SS walked up to her shaking and enraged and smacked her across the face. Hard. Just a glimpse for you all of the anger issues this child is having.

I was spent by Sunday evening, I locked myself in the bathroom and played relaxation music and waited until they left to come out.

Anyway, after all the shit BM has put us through, it would be nice if our lawyer finally holds her accountable for the unacceptable stunts she pulls.

Probably wishful thinking.

Happy Monday to all. May your week be productive and happy Smile


Acratopotes's picture

Why did DH not report BM when she did not drop the kids as per CO? Why did he let it slide?

What did DH do when SS slapped the snot out of SD? I hope next time they have to share a chocolate an adult does it before handing it to one kid. Although SD deserved that snot slap IMO....

Tuff Noogies's picture

with all this kid's been through, it's a wonder he hasnt smacked the $#!t out of her long ago.

he does need serious therapy, the kid's got way too much of an emotional burden inside him. poor thing.

and if the court order states "xyz", then your dh needs to either accept her violations and shrug them off, OR DO SOMETHING about it.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I may go to Hell for this, but there's a part of me that is glad your bratty SD got slapped. }:)