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Dinner update

ETexasMom's picture

Dinner was actually kinda nice. OSD saved DH a seat by her and we ended up on the opposite end from MSD (thank god)! MSD pouted pretty much like she did at DH's party the whole time. Afterwards we were all outside the restaurant and DH was talking to SS about rather or not he was coming over next weekend (since he called and asked DH what he was doing on the 15th). DH said something about me going to my nieces shower and MSD immediately jumped in to try to direct the conversation to her and started telling DH he HAD to go to the baby shower and he kept telling her no he didn't. She got all pissy then throwing a fit about it being his grandson. He looked at her all confused and saying your shower isn't next weekend. It finally dawned on him she had changed the subject to her shower in October! I love Dh so much for his next response! He pointed at me and said "I like how her family does it. Men aren't invited". LOL Her response was "well then there wouldn't be enough people there". Dh went back to talking to SS. MSD mentioned no more then 10 times about her shower and how he had to be there. She also decided he has to take off work and spend the days leading up to her birth in her town. DH said "I doubt my boss would like that".

This is going to be a long pregnancy! She's not due till December! I'm sure Dh will do just like he did with the other 3 grandkids wait till the baby is here then go to the hospital. There is no reason for us to take off work and get a hotel room for days when they only live two hours away.

sandye21's picture

What a pain in the butt MSD is! She's working on DH early so she will ensure she gets her way. And that is it. Her main focus is NOT on her baby. Her main focus is getting her way. DH doesn't want to go but she wants to win. Your DH is being set up. If DH doesn't go to the shower MSD can use this as a way to punish him. If SD eventually talks him into going to her shower he will be treated badly because he never really wanted to go. The only way your DH can avoid this trap is to confidently stick by his boundaries.

ETexasMom's picture

And the shower is of course at BM's sister in law's house :/. I'm more worried how bad she is going to freak out when he won't take off to hang out in her town for a week before she has the baby.

still learning's picture

There is a father in the picture right?! Why in the world would DH have to spend days in a hotel waiting for the baby to be born? I was thrown baby showers for 4 out of 5 of my kids there were NO MEN at any of those showers. The only "male" presence was the little guy in my womb or someones baby they brought along.

Hopefully DH stands up to MSD because the what she's demanding of him is quite ridiculous.

ETexasMom's picture

Yep MSD is married. DH will not be in the delivery room during the birth. I have no idea why she thinks DH is supposed to be there for days before hand. I'm sure she expects the whole world to stop for this blessed event :sick: Thank god DH has no intentions of taking off work. He said he'll do the exact same thing for this grandkid as he did for the others. After she is in labor and close to having the baby he will head for the hospital. He does not like hospitals and has no intentions of spending hours in the waiting room waiting for the baby to be born.

notasm3's picture

When SS32's GF (aka Baby Mamma)produced their crotch dropping - the baby was born about 6 weeks early. Not that unexpected - both GF and SS smoked like chimneys, drank like fish and smoked weed daily. The poor child spent over a week in NICU.

DH and I were several hours away at our other home when the baby arrived early. I don't know what would have happened if we'd been local. I doubt if DH would have hung out at the hospital. The GF's mother is a total Golden Uterus Grand Mother. This child is the second coming. She bought the GF a home and a new car when she got knocked up. She keeps the child every week end so they can go party.

The GF thinks that DH is worthless because he does not offer the same to the baby.

disrestep's picture

ETexasMom Your husband's responses about the baby shower are priceless. My DH usually comes up with good ones, but sometimes after he has been guilt-tripped into going to one of their royal baby events. He manages to escape these things pretty much though. He does not like hospitals either.

When youngest SD's baby was born DH was asked to stop whatever he was doing, leave and not take me, and drive 2.5 hours each way and spend the rest of the day, night and next day at the hospital. He then was told by YSS he and his wife will pick him up and take him there and leave me at home. I told him to go and he said, "No way, not only do I not want to go, I would never leave you out like they want me to." The OSS got so mad at my DH for not keeping his cell phone on at 3:00 a.m. when OSS's first was born. My husband told him he needs his sleep to get up to go to work the next day and he was being unreasonable. Of course, I was accused of shutting off my DH's phone by OSS who loathes me. Seriously.

These steps already have a strained relationship with my DH. They do not send him cards on his Bday, Father's Day or any holiday and rarely call him for the same. Whenever my DH would anounce a major life event of his or we would have a party for DH, the skids never came even though they were always invited. Yet, the skids expect DH to drop everything he is doing each and every time they have another royal baby, baby shower, baby birthday and so on. OSD recently informed my DH that he should move to her house to be a nanny for the royal baby. He did not even respond to that and acted like he never heard that request. He feels that it works both ways, and if they cannot at least be cordial of his life, why does he have to do the same.

It's sometimes comical. You just gotta laugh.