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OT- New car probably :(

justmakingthebest's picture

DH got in an accident last night on his way home. He is fine, my car is not. I am actually pretty sad about this car. I got it a couple of weeks before I left my ex. It was only in my name. It was such a good car- Camry Hybrid. It had all the bells and whistles and the best part was it was paid off! 

DH drives 30 miles back and forth to work and I drive less than 2. So he started driving my hybrid and I drive the giant SUV, it just makes sense. 

Now we have to figure out what we want to get. Part of me wants to get a truck because we have the house now and it would be nice to have one for all of the things that happen with a home and large yard--- Buuuuuttt, I work for a contractor and can use a spare truck at my shop whenever I want, so we don't really need one. Another part of me says to get another Camry. It was just so low maintenance, comfortable, etc- I seriously loved that thing. Then the last part of me is saying- Girl, buy your Jeep! I have wanted a jeep my whole life. 

I don't know... be practical or be fun? I also need to keep in mind that since we were planning on giving my car to BS in about a year and 1/2 when he starts to drive I may want to get something a little "less" so that I can just still give him the car and then do a ME car. 

What are your favorite cars? Fun, practical, whatever! Is there something you have or had that you just love that I should take a look at? 


tog redux's picture

I have a Subaru Outback that I love, love. It's my first grown-up car, as in - not a tin can.  Lots of cargo room, too! And great in the snow.

DH has a Wrangler. I hate driving that thing, it's too bouncy and the steering is weird. And I have to remember to wave at all the other Jeep drivers.  They are cool, but they are gas guzzlers that aren't great for road trips.


justmakingthebest's picture

My brother has an outback and he really loves it. He has the tent topper thing for it! He is really outdoorsey and it really fits his lifestyle. 

beebeel's picture

We have a Crosstrek. Less cargo room than the Outback, but I absolutely love it. The gas mileage is impressive, too.

tog redux's picture

Yeah, the Outback is not terrible for a bigger car, either - probably 26 miles/gallon.  I think Jeep is around 15 or so.

beebeel's picture

The Crosstrek gets almost 40 mpg on the highway. My MIL drove Jeeps for a long time. The gas mileage is poor, they are expensive to fix, and they always needed some kind of repairs.

We would like an Outback for trips, though, and keep the Crosstrek for daily stuff.

DPW's picture

I'm sorry about the accident! 

I have my eyes on a Jeep too as my next car. I live in Northern Ontario and it fits our winters and lifestyle (backcountry camping, etc.) but the price tag... ouch! And I can't seem to find a gently used one.

I currently have an older Acura RSX. This is my baby but she is old now and almost ready for the graveyard. I love how zippy she is and I know I'll lose that with a Jeep but... it's time for me to grow up... lol.

Good luck with the shopping!

justmakingthebest's picture

It is hard to find one that is "gently" used! I don't think Jeep owners know how to be gentle! LOL

I want it for the beaches! We have several off road beaches near by and it would just be fun. My mom had an old 70's CJ7 when I was a kid- we would pull the plugs out of the floor boards and ride in the shallow surf- it was so much fun and probably why I have them in my heart. 

tog redux's picture

DH's was used - it only had around 12K miles on it, very gently used. Didn't cost much less than a new one though.  It's funny, his brother and wife live in Northern Ontario and they always scoff at us having the AWD Outback, they say they don't need AWD or 4 wheel drive except the rare occasion.  I love having it here in upstate NY.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

My DH's relatives in N. Minnesota are the same way. None of them drive AWD or 4WD. I saw a lot of modest, American made cars there, as well as small SUVs. And the occasional rusted out old Ford or Chevy with a plow on the front.

tog redux's picture

The Outback saved us the first year, when there was a plowing mishap and people were stuck on the highways for hours. We were able to Outback right out of there. I only need AWD around 10 times a year, but I'm happy to have it when I do.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Back in the day, a friend loaned me his Subaru Justy to drive during a snowstorm. I was amazed at how well that tiny car did in the snow.

soy_girl's picture

I’m glad your DH is ok. I’ve turned into a Toyota girl... had a corolla (as my first ever brand new car), currently have a Highlander, had an FJ Cruiser, and  DH has a Tacoma. I loooove how low maintenance they all have been, and reliable. 

Do you like the idea of a Jeep, or have you driven one and loved it? DH had a Jeep when we were dating and I HATED it. Tested a Grand Cherokee when I was shopping for my Highlander and I hated it too. I think their seats/design just aren’t a good for for me?


I say spend some time driving a few things you might want and see what you like.    The minute i drove my Highlander I knew it was what I wanted, even though I expected to  buy a different car 

justmakingthebest's picture

I had a Honda Mini van when my kids were younger and got the Toyota about 6 years ago. I LOVED how low maintenance they both were! I bought both used but the Van had 180K miles on it when I traded it in and my Camry just hit 255K! I have driven that thing up and down the coast from Maine to Florida more than once and as far as Colorado from VA! They are just a great car company. 

bananaseedo's picture

We are Toyota fans too even though I love my Subaru. I had a Corolla before until paid off and my son and his friend wrecked. My DH is dying for a Tacoma. 

JRI's picture

We had a small van (nowadays would be called a SUV) back in the day and I was surprised how useful it was.  Hauling capacity for our household stuff, ideal for dogs, etc.  Nowadays I have a sedan but a year ago when i was still taking 96 yo Mom and her walker to places,  i thought about the SUV again.  If i had acreage and all that, I'd be thinking SUV..


Aunt Agatha's picture

Sorry about your car!

I drive a mini-countryman and love it!  You can get a lot of stuff in that thing - I've gotten small trees in there.  I also have chickens so haul a lot of bags of feed/bedding no problem.  It also comfortably fits 3 kids or 2 adults in the backseat no problem.

Just be careful - 80 mph is so easy to get to and you won't notice it!

justmakingthebest's picture

I have seen those and thought they were cute! That is great you can fit so much in them! I might take a look!

Justshootme's picture

Hello fellow Miniac! I have a 4-door hardtop Mini that I finally got when I no longer needed a "mom" car. And you are so right... 80 is way too easy! *blum3*

Livingoutloud's picture

I have Chevy trax. Small SVU/crossover. I live in a bad winter weather area and it goes ok in a snow. Small trunk though.   But our kids are grown and we don't transport anything 

MissK03's picture

I've always wanted and hopefully by the end of the month I will have one! I have a 2013 Mazda 3 right now. I got it cheap brand new. At the time I needed a car something to get me from point a to b. It's been great to me but it's time for a change. The Mazda needs some work. Nothing major struts etc.  My father is a mechanic and he actually needs a good gas mileage car so he is going to buy the Mazda off me. I wanted something bigger and decided f it I'm going to get my Jeep! I'm looking at 4 door wranglers between 20-24k. I've found a bunch with pretty good mileage. Around 40k I'm actually getting excited thinking about driving with doors off etc haha. 

I've always done everything on my own since i was 18 pretty much, been helping SO for almost 5 years now but, now at 34 I feel like it's time to treat myself :) 

susanm's picture

Just wanted to chime in with how much does it suck to lose a car that is paid off????  Insurance does not cover the actual loss given that the value of having a good working vehicle with no payment is enormous.  I had that happen and I was a very unhappy camper!  But at least your DH is OK.  That is the most important thing.

If you are going to continue driving the SUV and this is the car that your DH will drive but then pass on in less than 2 years, have you considered getting a reasonable mileage but older used car that tends to last forever like Subaru or Volvo that you can buy outright with cash?  He can use that as a commuter for the 2 years and then see what the situation is.  At that point you might go for your dream Jeep, trade in the SUV, get another Camry, or find something completely different.  What you get right now can just be a "placeholder" to get you through this period and get DH to work.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am really torn because I feel like this is the most practial thing to do. Maybe get a Corolla or something with mid range mileage- 15K ish that we can put a good down payment and pay off quickly. Safe, good mileage, good for him to even take to college and not have to worry about it. Then in a couple of years and then get something that is more for just DH and I to enjoy. We will still have the humungo SUV for all of us (unless I wreck that one! LOL)

advice.only2's picture

I vote for the get you a "ME" car now and then get BS an affordable older vehicle when its time for him. Sorry to hear about the accident, how very scary, was SS15 even concerned or was he too busy banging doors at 2am?

justmakingthebest's picture

SS didn't give a flying fudge. He just shrugged and walked on by when DH was telling him.

bananaseedo's picture

Tough decision!  We have an Outback too and with our 2 Weims and lifestyle it fits just perfectly.  Decent gas mileage too.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

My SF was a mechanic, so I spent my teen years learning how to wench. When I was in high school, kids drove Mustangs, Camaros, Chevelles, GTOs, etc. They were just cheap old cars then, and I loved racing and beating the boys at their own game. Both DH and I have owned muscle cars, and we got the Camaro SS when Chevy rereleased it a decade ago. 

That said, I love me some Toyota. I've had my Lexus for fifteen years, and never owned a car that was cheaper to drive. If you buy rather than lease and tend to keep cars for a long time, you just can't beat Japanese for reliability. Their vehicles are built to last, and not over engineered like German cars. Parts are affordable, maintenance costs low, and safety ratings are good. The Highlander SUV has great towing capability for its size. The Toyota Avalon is currently the best rated hybrid out there. My Lexus is comfy, solid in snow, handles well, floats like a dream, and has enough power to get me away from danger on a freeway without having so much I rack up tickets. I'm a bit of a leadfoot Smile

That said, I hate shopping for cars! No matter how much research I do beforehand, I always feel pressured and overwhelmed at the dealership. I need time to fall in love, lol. There are a few cars I salivate over but will never buy, like a Lexus SUV. Gorgeous, but completely impractical for my needs. And I have a mental list of cars I would lease (Hello Audi, you bewitching beauty!) but never buy. If you've dreamt of a Jeep, maybe rent one for a week? And watch reviews on YouTube. I've known women who've owned Wranglers, but didn't keep them long. Lots of road noise, not as safe, not as many creature comforts, higher insurance. I liked the aesthetic of the Grand Cherokee about twenty years ago, but surprisingly found the back too small to comfortably hold my two big dogs. 



CLove's picture

In a pirate costume!

Know exactly what you mean about German cars. Im a Nissan or Toyota gal myself, having had both. They are zippy and cheap on gas. Cheap to fix and comfy.

I have driven my husbands Jeep Rubicon and it is very large and tall. I dont enjoy driving it as much as I enjoyed driving the nissan pathfinder he had and traded in.

CLove's picture

I love it, but I have been salivating over trucks & SUV's for my future sports and the boat we just bought - Id like to have the ability to "tow things" (RV? BOAT? SOMETHING ELSE?)

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Just keep in mind that it's not just about whether the vehicle has enough power to pull, but also whether it has enough to stop with all that weight behind it.

CLove's picture

Your DH is ok!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I have a jeep compass right now and it's been awesome :)  Bought it about a year ago and haven't had any issues beyond regular wear and tear (the tires had to be replaced... lol)

Prior I had a prius, which was awesome until it's death. But it was a 2006 and lasted until just over a year ago.

One thing I would warn you about with jeeps... Depending on the model, sometimes they have transmission issues and that has to be replaced. Just a heads up.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I made ONE foray into an AWD SUV. It was a Chevy. And it the five years I had it, the entire powertrain had issues. Tranny, drive shaft, AND differential. Even the U bolts. It was ridiculous. Never again.

SteppedOut's picture

Audi with the Quattro package. Whatever model fits your lifestyle. 

Excellent interiors and unbelievable handing. 


24 years as a SM's picture

I am so glad your DH is okay. If the car you have to purchase now is going to be given to BS in the near future, get something that is safe and comfortable.

 For years DAH and I only bought economy cars for commuting to work, didn't matter to us if they were comfortable or not, as long as they got good gas mileage. We are becoming automobile hoarders.

  • 69 Dodge Charger R/T - PURPLE - this is my baby.
  • 67 Pontiac GTO Judge - Black - This was DAH's dads car, DAH is the second owner, all original 
  • 54 Chevy flatbed truck - my dads truck, it's in the process of being restored.
  • 90 GMC 3/4 ton 4X4 truck - Biggest lemon we have ever owned, 3 motors, 4 transmissions later, we use it for hauling wood and hay, nothing else, can't depend on the darn thing from breaking down.
  • 2007 Chevy Aveo - Cheap car - this will be the GS16 car once he gets his license.
  • 2004 Mustang 40th anniversary edition - DAH everyday car, I hate this car, if you have bad knees it's a nightmare to get out of.
  • 2002 PT Cruiser - my everyday car.



Livingoutloud's picture

I only ever drive GM. I know even American cars aren't fully American anymore due to outsourcing and stuff. Still no Hondas and others stuff for me. I also never had a bad luck with GM car. Even stupid Sonic was nice, just too small for our winters 

thiscantbenormal's picture

You are on the east coast, right?  If yes, get a Subaru.  Ive had an impreza sport wagon and a wrx. I miss the sport wagon.  I guess you could get the jeep with the bed to get that combo of I want a truck and I want a jeep.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am amazed at all the Subaru recommendations! I have been a Honda/Toyota girl since I was a teenager but apparently I need to take a look! 

Thank you so much for your ideas and suggestions everyone! *give_rose*

simifan's picture

ExH talked me into buying a Dodge Challenger I wanted, but was impractical. Mostly I think he wanted to drive it, but it was in my name so I got to keep it in the divorce. It's the only thing I am grateful to him for talking me into. Buy what you want. I love driving my car, even now 6 years later.