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Welp... SS18 is having a baby

justmakingthebest's picture

I know, everyone is SHOOK over it. Totally unbelievable. I know, I know.

We found out because for some reason my BS17's best friend still has SS18 on snapchat. They are apparently in the 2nd trimester and are giving the baby BM's maiden name. Isn't that sweet?

DH is understandably crushed. I'm over here just refusing to acknowledge that my husband will be a grandpa! LMAO

Not that we will ever see this child, but whatever. Good times. 


ESMOD's picture

I guess this may put a little wrinkle in him using your DH's GI benefits.. lmao!

Honestly.. good for them.. isn't nice to see someone hoisted up by their own bad choices.. BM I'm sure is acting all proud.. but what a horrible life limiting thing to have happened here?

OH.. and I really hope you get to see through the years a time when his GF wises up.. ditches him.. and she wages an alienation campaign against your SS and BM.. oh.. the delicious karma that will be yours!

justmakingthebest's picture

Oh you know that will happen and if I catch wind of it, I will be that girls #1 supporter! 

You need lawyers girl, we got you!

advice.only2's picture

Wow!!! Well I really hope what goes around comes around and smacks SS and BM squarely in the a$$es with the Karma bus.   My DH is by definition a grandpa but since Spawn refuses to acknowledge his existence he in my opinion is not a grandpa and probably never will be unless one of my kids procreate, which they have both told me is never going to happen.

justmakingthebest's picture

He has a biological son with a child. That is all that is happening here. Same with your SS. 

Thankfully my DD wants a family one day. BS swears he doesn't want kids, but he said maybe one day he would be open to adopting a teenager or something just no little ones. He can't stand babies and young children. But thanks to DD, hopefully we will have that full circle family. 

AgedOut's picture

this should have surprised me yet it doesn't. 


that poor girl will be tied to him forever now. 

AlmostGone834's picture

Good luck SS. He's got a long, hard road to haul. It's not easy being a young parent these days. He will be on the struggle bus for a long time. The only bright side is it will make him grow up some and the PAS means no hemorrhaging money from your house on baby gifts/support. 

CastleJJ's picture

This is KARMA at its finest. Just wait until his GF gets sick of him (and BM), dumps him, gets sole custody by default since they aren't married, wages a full PAS war, and demands maximum CS. Maybe then and only then, will he fully experience what you and DH have gone through, though he will never admit it. I bet you are just sitting back with your bowl of popcorn, waiting for this shit show to premiere! 

Winterglow's picture

There's one missing detail...

When work gets out about court, get your husband ro feign caring for him and what's going to happen and recommend the best lawyer he can ... your useless one. He might as well deal with an incompetent lawyer as well.

justmakingthebest's picture

LOL right! BM's is old as sin and since she still owes him boatloads of money I doubt he would take another case for them There goes the good ol' boys club!

CLove's picture

I mean the baby waiting to be born into the whole dysfunction junction.

thinkthrice's picture

I can only imagine the power struggle between SS's control freak BM and the baby mama's BM.

grannyd's picture

I hear you, Clove! That poor infant, a loser at the starting gate. Its father has been raised to be an entitled, selfish and immature mama's boy and its paternal grandmother is a blood-sucking, PASing harpy. One can only hope that the young mother's family is trustworthy and willing to step up in the (almost certain) event that your SS defaults on his parental responsibilities.  

justmakingthebest's picture

She looks like total trailer trash so that kid is probably screwed in every way. I wish this site allowed pictures because it is so bad it's funny (if it wasn't MY ss)

grannyd's picture

So, justmakingthebest, as a fragile oldster (snivel) who has been made to suffer (blood pressure spikes, hair standing up on end) from the machinations of the worst of the BMs (despite heavy competition), I feel almost entitled to read more about your prospective SD-in-law.

Lacking photographs, a detailed description will suffice; age, weight, hair colour, attire, distinguishing features etc; whatever you're willing to provide.

Oh, the schadenfreude! Yahoo

Call me callous but some folks (your SS’s mother being a prime example) are so venal and soulless that  their dirty deeds beckon the worst of karma.



NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

for the unborn baby and the girlfriend, but maybe he will end up getting a dose of karma where the gf down the line leaves him and makes him being a father difficult like BM did for your DH. That is just crushing that he isn't going to give the baby SS/DH's last name and rather BM's maiden name. Like it must be so rough to have a father who still wants to be in your life and fight for him when you treat him like total shit that the baby should have BM's maiden name instead.

It is going to be a long and hard road ahead of them regardless because of their age and the cost of living right now.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

for the unborn baby and the girlfriend, but maybe he will end up getting a dose of karma where the gf down the line leaves him and makes him being a father difficult like BM did for your DH. That is just crushing that he isn't going to give the baby SS/DH's last name and rather BM's maiden name. Like it must be so rough to have a father who still wants to be in your life and fight for him when you treat him like total shit that the baby should have BM's maiden name instead.

It is going to be a long and hard road ahead of them regardless because of their age and the cost of living right now.

notarelative's picture

DH should brace himself. If they are giving the baby BM's last name, I would not be surprised if SS changed his last name to match.

Catmom024's picture

Ugh. So sorry.   That poor baby.  Do you think they'll put the moves on your DH and use the BAAAABY as a pawn?  If so, I hope he doesn't fall for it.  My S.O. was writing his daughter a monthly check after she had her kid (suspiciously like child support).

Thumper's picture


Rut roh.

What is UP with giving the baby, bm's name?  Do you mean the baby's first name will be your bm's last name. (BARF)

Your dh must be shaking his head. 

SS cant support himself, let alone a baby and girlfriend.





MissK03's picture

WOW! Didn't see this one coming! Hopefully your DH handles it OK. He is still grieving his kid now this!! Karma bus will for sure come back for SS and BM. 

This will play out poorly for all involved. And why would the kid have a different last name then both his parents UNLESS SS already plans on changing his name.... 

The_Upgrade's picture

We joke about this situation but wtf?! Also, how ridiculous is it that you guys are being dragged through court for a guy old enough to procreate. Let's see if his gf can last a year with him and a screaming newborn. I'd be amazed. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

So odd they would give the baby BM's maiden name. I wonder if SS is going to change his last name now that he is 18? I'm sorry that the hits just keep on coming for your DH.

thinkthrice's picture

I've read several court cases where the estranged feral goes after his Biodad for the grandkid's CS (feral's kid)

ndc's picture

Is BM's maiden name going to be the baby's first or last name?

In any event, I'm hoping for some glorious karma.