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This is the guy who gives bio-dads a bad name

Anon2009's picture

And just to forewarn you, this crime is extremely graphic. So if you can't handkerchief graphic crimes, you might not want to read this.

I wish they had the death penalty as an option for this guy but I have no doubt that his fellow inmates will make sure this baby gets justice.


BSgoinon's picture

I heard about this story from a friend that posts on a mommy's forum. There was a more detailed article somewhere saying that the baby was suffocated by his "private male body part".

Sick sick sick....

StepX2's picture

OMG!!! So sick and disgusting!! Seriously...What has this world come too?? Just a few days ago, ID TV on cable had a story similar to this one. The story was in the south east, Georgia I think. It involved a man who had married a woman with a young son. He was military when they first married and they had their own child a short time after getting married. When the little girl was just days away from turning 6 months old, mom came home from running errands and checked on her baby who was still "sleeping" so she started to head out to run more errands. As she was about to leave, her husband who never showed emotion or feelings towards the baby, comes running out holding the little baby girl and was 'fake' crying how something was wrong. Her death was listed as undetermined. A few years later, the woman's son told her about the sexual abuse he had been going through with stepdad and she took it immediately to the police. Also insisted they open up her daughter's death investigation. The effin POS father finally admitted that she had died by suffocation while he was molesting her.
I was disgusted with that story but to hear two similar stories in one week really makes me question what is happening in our society!!!!!!!!!!!!!

internet's picture

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