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I must be psychic

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Or OSD is just that predictable.  SO and I have not heard from OSD in 2 weeks since she left in a tizzy because SO had the audacity to redirect her. She has ignored his texts, and even wouldn't come to her only grandmother's bday party. 

Yesterday I was joking with my friend because OSD was commenting on my FB post. I laughed and told her YSD must have bragged about what she got for her bday 2 days ago and OSDs bday is in a few weeks. So now the fake nice is going to come out, in hopes she gets something good.  A few hours later out of the blue she starts texting SO being all lovey dovey. I felt instant nausea.  So I laughed and said to SO, well her bday is coming up, time to suck up.  At least the next few weeks will be drama free because she will be on her best behavior.  Unfortunately for her she has run out of chances for forgiveness with me, unless I see a permanent change in her. Which is unlikely,  not impossible but unlikely.   I have already gotten her gift, it's no more or less than I would get for my friends children.  Anything else is on SO, no more extravagant gifts from me. I know what the definition of insanity is. 

SO is a thoughtful gift giver, an example for Christmas he hand made them picture frames and put in pictures of him with them.  I think that is great!   OSD is more of a price tag kid, so her selfish,  entitled self will be extremely disappointed. Which is sad for SO but I hope some day he realizes he deserves better than a kid that doesn't appreciate anything he does for her. 


BethAnne's picture

Didn't you hear? When we are given the most precious gift a person can recieve (that of becomeing a step parent) we are also grantend the magical power to be psychic. Sadly there is one flaw with our powers, our partners will never hear what we say when we try to tell them what our gift has shown us about the future.