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Here we go!!

tankh21's picture

So...We didn't end up going to eat with my DH's business partner. I am not complaining about that at all however, there was other drama going on. So I had plans with my dad Saturday. DH calls me and informs that OSS threw up in a parking lot and that he is taking him to the emergency room. He called BM and notified her. BM and her DH showed up at the emergency room even though DH had told her that he had it handled and he would inform her as soon as it knew something. Then started the yelling and she said that her son probably got food poisoning because I don't wash my hands before or after cooking. How she knows that I have no idea. LOL!!! DH just told her that it wasn't my fault and that if she was going to continue to cause a scene that she needed to leave.

She said that she wasn't going to leave until she found out what was wrong with OSS. So he just went to the other side of the waiting room. Mind you both of the skids are there when BM is saying all this crap. So it turns out OSS just has a sinus infection but then BM makes a comment to my DH and says that he probably got sick from our house since I don't clean.

The kid was out sick three days last week because he had a headache and a stuffy nose and the doctor told BM that it was just allergies so he was sick before he came to our house. The only reason why BM informed my DH was because she needed the medical insurance information again so she could take OSS to the doctor so he was obviously sick before DH picked him up. But hey it's my fault I guess!!


Monkeysee's picture

Is rushing a teenager to the ER just because he’s vomited a normal thing? Unless he puked up blood or was vomiting nonstop & getting dehydrated I’d have taken him home & let him rest. 

One of my best friends is an ER nurse, far too many people run in there for things they really don’t need to be there for. Your DH brought this drama on himself. BM is definitely crazy, but we knew that already lol.

tog redux's picture

That's what I was going to say, the ER for vomiting? Unless it was a cup of blood that came out with the vomit, he didn't need to go to the ER.  First stop regular doctor, next stop Urgent Care. 

Monkeysee's picture


DPW's picture

I don't even understand why he would bring him to the ER for such ridiculousness. Sounds like everyone is all about drama in this family. Your DH is no exception. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Why the ER? Why Did BM have to be immeadiately informed? Lots of questions... Typically if the kiddos throw up we leave them be and push gatorade and saltines... If they develop a fever or the throwing up becoems excessive we take them in. The body will throw up for all kinds of reasons... Not all of them even mean the kid is sick... I get the perdiatrician maybe? BUT the ER seems VERy excessive for throwing up.

ndc's picture

Was there something more going on than just throwing up in a parking lot?  I've never heard of someone taking a kid to the ER for vomiting unless there was something else involved.  If this was just regular vomiting (not vomiting up blood or severe pain or high fever), your DH doesn't have the best judgment, either in going to the ER or calling BM.  

advice.only2's picture

Wow your DH sounds like a GUBM right now rushing his kid to the ER for throwing up, sorry but who does that? Was it just because he did it in a parking lot and not in the toilet at home?

tankh21's picture

Yes, just in the parking lot. He freaked out and took him to the ER when I told him to just take him to the urgent care clinic.

bananaseedo's picture

Dang he's going to get raked over coals from us on that -how stupid!  Drama!   And YES I've taken my kid to the ER for vomiting-he had been vomiting BLACK for a full day, had a high fever and hadn't been able to go to the bathroom in 4 days when he fessed up.  I called the nurse hotline first and they directed me there.

He was severely dehydrated also so had to be on IV fluids.  One throw up or even a couple is BS.


ndc's picture

That's a LOT different than puking once in a parking lot.  No other factors were mentioned.  I think most of us would take the kid to the ER under your circumstances.  Not so much for what happened to Tank's SS.

What really cracks me up is that she directed him to the urgent care and he *still* took his kid to the ER.  So he has bad judgment AND ignores advice from his wife.

Winterglow's picture

Is your DH in the running for the idiot of the year award? He takes a child to the ER because he vomits ... once. He then calls a HCBM to tell her about it. Sounds about perfect for the way NOT to handle the situation. What on earth was he thinking??! Does he get some twisted validation from causing drama?

tankh21's picture

Yeah and it was my fault because I either gave her kid food poisoning or he got sick from my dirty house. Yes, my DH is not the brightest crayon in the box and doesn't listen to me. They did a cat scan on the kid.

ndc's picture

A CAT scan?  Seriously?  Because he threw up?  I guess that's because the ER doctors aren't used to people bringing kids in for puking once.  They probably figure that it must be serious or the parent wouldn't have brought the kid in.  SMH.  Did the CAT scan find anything?

tog redux's picture

They obviously don't have high-deductible health insurance.  No copay, I assume?

ITB2012's picture

You don't do a CT scan for vomiting unless there's blood or black or pus or possibly they suspect something is punctured/broken. Hospitals are hyper vigilant about radiation exposure these days.

tankh21's picture

LOL....It was BM that ordered it. She's a nurse and she knows what she is talking about you know. So it costs over $300 for everything.

2nd wives club's picture

Oh God, nurses like BM know more that the entire medical community! My condolences. DH's X is an RN and she is smarter than a Harvard team of MDs. lol

tankh21's picture

I am going by what my DH told me I wasn't there. Yes, I find it hard to believe that they did a CT scan just for the kid vomiting as well but BM claims and OSS claim that his head has been hurting for 10 days.

Ispofacto's picture

This is why our BM is not allowed to talk to DH.  Let her spew her vomit all over her own friends and family.  Maybe they'll tell her to cut the crap.

Get a no contact order.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Stupid people's problems.

I hope you use this as a reason to step further back from the low rent, viral video nonsense.You are wasting your life on this moron.