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Always wanting her way right then and there....

tankh21's picture

BM was texting DH about the insurance card once again even though he sent it last week. She said that she didn't receive it and instead of fighting with her he could get off his butt and send it her again right then and there. DH ignored her and copied the insurance card on our printer and gave it to OSS to give to her. She just wants everyone to drop what they are doing and cater to her when she wants them to. #1 it was a holiday weekend and the skids were with us. #2 She never said when they was taking them for their medical appointments and DH told her that he sent it to her the next day when she requesting it again. Then she goes on to say that OSS needs braces. Well a dentist has to make that call not her and DH will be taking OSS to a dentist of his choice as well to see if SS needs braces. Good luck BM if you think DH is just going to hand money over to you if the kid doesn't actually need braces and the provider will be getting paid not you!!!


SourGrapes's picture

Well, rest assured knowing that BM was clearly having a super-duper fun holiday weekend if what it consisted of was harassing your DH about medical cards when she had no kids and no medical appointments. Sounds like a rager!

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

If DH is able to scan the insurance card then his best bet would be to email her a copy and be done with it.

Maxwell09's picture

DH has copies of his insurance card at 2/3 local pharmacies in our city. The last time BM tried to rage about not having them, he told her to go to the pharmacy. She tried to keep the argument alive but DH just called the pharmacy to double check they had his info (they did) and then ignored BM. She eventually got herself together enough to take care of it.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Your trying to reason with someone who wants to fight.

Cope the cards in an e-mail, send it with a read recipt, keep the return e-mail, leave it at that.

When she tries fighting about it leave it at,

"You were sent a copy in an email. Do not message me again."

Ignore future comments about it but file them as proff of harrashment.

strugglingSM's picture

About a year before we were married, DH switched jobs. This meant he switched his health insurance. Because he is not the custodial parent, he had to provide a copy of his divorce decree and parenting plan to prove that he was responsible for health insurance for the children, even though they are legally BM's "dependents". The insurance company told him it would take at least one business day to add his children to the plan. BM had a fit, told him he was a deadbeat dad and didn't care about his children. He was rushing around like an idiot trying to speed up the process. I was like, hold up, it would take the same amount of time to process adding people to your family plan if you were still married, so she can hold her horses. She's just picking a fight.

She has complained incessantly that she doesn't have her own insurance card even though he's sent her a picture of the card multiple times, but under his plan, he only gets one card for the whole family. I'm now on his plan and only have a picture of his card and I've never had a problem.

A few months ago, BM decided to change SS's ADHD medication. His medication is a considered a controlled substance, so the insurance company had to review the request. Again, BM had a total meltdown and told DH he didn't care about his child and his child's life was going to be ruined and DH owed her money for this. He offered to handle the prescription himself, but she insisted that she be the one to do it. Again, he was all mad at the insurance company and I had to point out to him that they were following procedures that in some cases were required by federal law and that although it may be annoying, everyone just had to be patient and deal with it. Two days later, the medication was cleared and everything worked out, but man, we had two days of full on drama before then.

Some people just like to pick fights and they'll find any reason to do it.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

So stop the fight.

The email offers proof your DH sent her a copy and then he can ignore it.

Sure she can whine and cry all she wants but that doesn't mean DH has to feed into it.

She can only do as much as your DH allows.

Trust me I understand wanting to vent but you can either keep up the drama or your DH can shut it down.

I don't know how they communicate but they can use a parenting app. He can block her from calling and texting and if she's abusing the app he can shut off the notifications for a period of time.

As long as he has proof that he has met the requirements of the CO he doesn't have to respond to every single message. As long as he does she will continue.

BM over here will get like that. When she doesn't get her way she'll look for things to whine about. SO gives her a single respond that is close ended. No fighting just fact and done. There is no reasoning with someone who wants to fight.

Read up on how to handle high conflict Bioparents and give your DH the advice. After that wash you hands of it. His ex his mess.

strugglingSM's picture

At their last mediation (which BM demanded for unknown reasons), DH suggested they move to using Our Family Wizard. BM totally shot him down and despite the fact that she spent the whole mediation crying uncontrollably and pretending as if she was going to be sick while DH sat their silently and awkwardly, the mediators did not encourage her to consider that as a form of lower conflict communication.

At this point, DH ignores most of her texts and when he tries to share them with me, I just say "I don't want to see it."

tankh21's picture

Thank you guys for your support. I am just waiting for the next drama meltdown that BM has. YSS has warts on his foot and they have been there for awhile he is complaining that they hurt sometimes so DH asked BM if she was going to take him to the doctor and BM's response was if you are so concerned about your son's health then you can take him to the doctor but yet she is so concerned about OSS getting braces I mean seriously where is the sense in this. Aren't braces considered cosmetic. It is about the money with BM not the kids.

ESMOD's picture

the wart thing has been ongoing hasn't it? Why won't your DH just take him in to get it looked at?

moving_on_again's picture

I got rid of a plantar wart with apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, and tea tree oil. I applied those three things every night. I quit after a couple weeks before I thought it wasn't working. Then the wart turned black and literally just fell out. I was amazed.

Acratopotes's picture

forgot to mention - wart are cause by magnesium deficiency...

thus drink Magnesium tablets for about a month, while doing something to get rid of it....

DaniellaR's picture

I have heard of apple cider vinegar working. We get rid of my little girls warts with duct tape. Just keep it taped up until it goes away. The peds office I did a rotation at also suggested the duct tape.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Braces are not always cosmetic and you wpuld need to speak to an orthodontist to find out if he NEEDS them or not. If it is decided that they are cosmetic then by most CO standards your DH is not responsible forhalf UNLESS he choses to be.

As for the wart if it's been around for a while why has DH taken him?

Also duck tape works really well for warts too. Put it on before bed. Yes it can be uncomfortable coming off but the chemicals in the adhesive slowly eat away at the wart.

tankh21's picture

I have no idea why DH hasn't taken him the only thing I can think of is because he won't take off work for a non emergency thing or pull SS out of school for it. But, its not my kid so it is totally up to the parents when they take him to the doctor for things.

notarelative's picture

Braces can be cosmetic, and most often are. But, in some cases they are not. My DS needed braces before the necessary surgery to realign his jaw.

Cosmetic varies. There are small cosmetic, almost imperceptible, needs. Then there are the extremely obvious needs and everything in between.